"When have I [i]ever[/i] wanted you to go easy?" He kissed her neck, but otherwise took the hint. Lock settled down, though he moved to the side so she wouldn't crush him again. "All right," he said. "I'll let the she-beast get her ugly rest." For a little while anyway. Lock settled himself against her. He still ran his tail over her leg, but less in a suggestive way and more to help her relax again. He then closed his eyes and just enjoyed her presence. When he felt she slept long enough, he riled her up again. And he was more than pleased that Lillith kept her promise. He didn't go easy on her, either. But like a proper gentleman, he helped her gather her things afterward and made sure she looked somewhat presentable so it was less likely someone would figure out what the two of them had been doing upon a quick glance. Lock even righted the coffin properly so she could head home first. A quick goodbye, a promise to meet again later that week, and it was his turn to head home, not that he had any shame. Everyone in their group knew what a "date morning" meant. And he was positively glowing. Shock and Barrel were up and having a late breakfast of paincakes. Carver was with them, having stayed over the night before. Shock looked up as Lock sidled in and took a seat. "[i]Someone[/i] had fun last night," she said, before she stuffed another bite in her mouth. "Yeah?" Lock asked. "What of it?" "Nothing," Shock said, "except we're going to have even [i]more[/i] fun." "Oh?" Lock asked as he took a few paincakes from the pile in the middle of the table. "[i]You're welcome[/i]," Barrel said, as he dumped a few more paincakes on the pile, before joining his siblings at the table. Lock waved him off. "What kind of fun?" Shock just glanced to Carver, then grinned at Lock. She'd let Carver do the honors of telling him. "We already got started," she said. "It's gonna take some work, but the pay-off will be [i]spectacular[/i]."