Although I have shared this before, the story of said origins for all members is quite fascinating. I believe my own method to be no different, in that the concept is adapted from my personal stance. I simply do not name things or assume names and the very prospect of it has always been difficult for me. Rather a portrayal, title, or mantle of affiliation and symbology is what I take up instead. Despite this, all of these aspects of identity are indeed relevant to myself, nothing without place or purpose, but they arise in place of actual names. Thus the title of "The Harbinger of Ferocity" represents an element of my personification and was deciphered based upon a brief study of what one believes the greater cats to be. They are ferocious, devouring, predatory, and untamed. So as I delved deeper in these contents, I decided it best described one who, with them, came such a presence and demeanor. The alternative, used as the subtitle, is "Aspect of the Ferine", which embodied the alternative that would have been selected had the former not been found superior. In sum, it gives something that is notably red in tooth and claw, unrelenting and uncompromising, savage and primeval, yet stately and noble. I must admit, it was a joy to research the symbolism and imagery of these things too, particularly with how they deeply relate. Yet none of them stay, any other place in which I go, I use yet another title or alias in similar application. The entire idea of naming things forever strange to me.