"No. You went in ready for a challange. But then started making mistakes. You gave away your locations all the time. Had you looked at the situation like an assassin you would have scouted. watched your target. learned all you could before moving in for the kill. What you all did wrong. You all rushed. You figured you could over power someone that has experience with pure force. As i'm sure you all figured out. If i wanted any of you dead. You would be dead." He stands up and then walks to stand infront of them. " Now then How many of you are seriously hurt or weakened after this trial. Because as long as your not against it i have potions i make that heal wounds nearly instantly. broken limbs heal over night. I'm here to teach you all how to be true assassin's. I'm going to drill into you the mistakes of my past and your own mistakes. Because i want you all to stay alive longer than i will live."