[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/YCnJKP9t/f0549d81c187c9ac94771f8b0f60080c.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/7hDFVFVg/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Jasonhero][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Outskirts of Birnin Zana - Wakanda: July 16th, 2021 - 3:20 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][hider=Images & Maps][hider=Country Map][img]https://i.postimg.cc/kGQ8sTQ8/image.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Birnin Zana Outskirts Appearance][img]https://i.postimg.cc/44WX76kF/image.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Battle Map - make sure to list your coordinates each time!][img]https://i.postimg.cc/CKSQPXgt/wakandabattlemap2.png[/img] Yes, it's a new map. Yes, it's amazing. And yes, I spent money on this program so damn it I'm gonna use it. [b]The circles with stars? Each of those represents an Ultron bot. Yup.[/b][/hider][/hider] Speedsters never were known to do well with the cold. Their powers revolved around them accelerating their atoms at incredibly fast speeds, and given that these speeds are proportional to temperature, Cass' conjured winter slowed Luminous down tremendously. She had been running along the wall that separated Birnin Zana from the small group of rebels, but robbed of her speed, she slipped on the build up of ice. Falling from the wall, she hit the now frozen lake on the other side of the wall, cracking her head open as her blood spilled onto the ice. With the cold limiting her speed, her healing factor wasn't able to keep her alive despite the head injury and she died. Of course, only Roman would be able to see this, as he was interfacing with the security cameras - the others would just know they couldn't see the speedster running anymore. The snow continued to pile up - ten inches quickly became a foot. If they didn't get out soon, they wouldn't need to worry about the chill settling into their bones and disrupting their bodily processes - they'd be buried alive. [color=57A2EC]"...Well that honestly went a lot better then I had thought,"[/color] the Invisible Woman commented, thinking along similar lines as Cass it seemed. [color=f6989d]"Niah,"[/color] Bonnie said gently, putting her hands on Niah's shoulders. [color=f6989d]"You're trapped in an illusion. I need you to listen to the sound of my voice and [i]wake up[/i],"[/color] Bonnie urged. She hesitated for a moment, thinking on everything she knew about these sort of situations. She didn't like the conclusion she came to, but she wanted to help her friend - so she smacked Niah across the face. [color=f6989d]"Wake up!"[/color] she repeated, slapping her again. She then paused, hoping to see some sort of change in Niah's condition from the impromptu cognitive calibration. Hurting her wasn't ideal - it went against the hippocratic oath too - but if it could get her out of Luminous' illusion... [color=53A981]"Allow me, Dr. Chase,"[/color] Strange said, moving his hands in complicated yet methodic motions. It took him a moment, but the haze then cleared from Niah's eyes and she was freed from the illusion. [color=847296]"If you destroy the cameras, then Ultron's forces will be blind,"[/color] Shuri reasoned. Ultron was all about technology. If they were able to get rid of the security cameras covering the city, it would create numerous blind spots. With Luminous down for the count, it was a pretty good chance that their presence in Birnin Zana had already been noted. There was no point in maintaining secrecy. [color=57A2EC]"We've got more hostiles incoming, don't think a little bit of cold is going to phase them though!"[/color] Susan Storm warned. There were roughly twenty Ultron bots that flew over the city wall, hovering in various positions to the west of the party. For a moment, it looked like Susan's powers had fooled the robots into thinking that no one was there - but then the robots opened fire. Strange and Susan tried their best to put up defense shielding, but they couldn't stop them all. Strange was hit in the stomach, Susan was grazed on her left cheek, Niah was hit in the thigh, and Cass was hit as well (but nothing really happened, thanks to her dermal armor). Bonnie flinched slightly. She didn't know what to do here, but she knew to look to the leader. And as much as Strange wanted to think it was him, she knew who had the most experience here - Shuri, the Black Panther. [color=847296]"Delta formation!"[/color] Shuri ordered, essentially wanting everyone to form a triangle. Heavy hitters in the front making the base, while the squishier members would be in the back, making the tip of the triangle. Strange, Shuri, and Susan moved towards the base of the triangle, while Bonnie headed towards the tip, knowing that while she had combat skills, she would better serve as a medic than a fighter. [hr][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Serval Industries - Virginia: July 15th, 2021 - 8:20 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][hider=Images & Maps][hider=Exterior][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pryzs5yT/image.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Battle Map - make sure to list your coordinates each time!] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/mDbhrLGw/serval-battle-map.png[/img] Make sure to pay attention to where people are relative to you. [/hider][/hider] [color=639A5E]"I can try, no promises on succeeding with that, but I'll definitely make the attempt,"[/color] Flynn told Tinley. He engulfed himself in flames with ease, the temperature in the small confined space rising. The Scarlet Witch paled slightly as she looked at the fire, backing away from him ever so slightly. Even monsters were afraid of [i]something[/i]. He shot the flames straight up, managing to hit the sentinels. One of them exploded and caused the other to combust as well, with bits of metal raining down on those in the elevator. [color=red]"Nice aim, Fire Boy,"[/color] Wanda muttered, clutching her side. Raynor had gotten hit as well but he didn't say anything as he stumbled backwards, colliding with the wall of the elevator and leaving a slight dent. The others had been fortunate, just getting a slight scratch from the debris at the very most. And thanks to Tinley, the elevator operated normally and opened up onto the Research and Development floor. Directly in front of them, there was a little office area. To their right, a pair of double glass doors separated the lab equipment from this more open area. They could see Spider-Gwen shooting taser webs at what seemed to be a red and green android, while Captain Marvel attempted to get power dampening chains off of herself. [color=F86A6A]"It's a trap!"[/color] she shouted, rising to her feet as the android picked up Spider-Gwen and tossed her into the glovebox like a rag doll. [color=D3589F]"I - love - Star - Wars!"[/color] Spider-Gwen shouted, forcing herself back to her feet. Her entire body was trembling and she was bleeding from multiple wounds. She threw more web grenades at the android, but they passed through him like he was nothing, like he was just a ghost. [color=A49C63]"Agent Abercrombie, I've been expecting you,"[/color] the android greeted. [color=A49C63]"I am sorry, but I have to cut this short,"[/color] he then said, looking at the young web crawling hero. The gem on his forehead was glowing as the Vision shot Spider-Gwen with a prolonged energy blast. [color=F86A6A]"NO!"[/color] Captain Marvel shouted, diving forward and tackling the android, only to pass through him as well. The Vision then dropped Spider-Gwen to the ground, her fingers twitching slightly. She was alive, but barely. Captain Marvel hit the chains repeatedly against the ground, managing to dismantle one of them but there were still more. This wouldn't keep her down though - she was Carol motherfucking Danvers, after all. [color=A49C63]"How may I be of assistance?"[/color]