Elias was redder than some of the lizardfolk in the auction. It so pleased Vergu to see him in such a state of powerlessness. Elias stammered and practically assaulted his bodyguards for their gold but it was far too late. The auctioneer clearly wanted to leave before things escalate any further and sped through his words to end the auction quickly. "[color=ed1c24][i]ONCETWICEAND,[/i] sold to the elven gentleman for 250 gold![/color]" Vergu was brought off the stage and broke sight with most of the crowd but he could hear the oh so sweet sounds of Elias' rage from behind the plank walls of the receiving area for slaves. Though he couldn't quite understand his words, he knew from the slightly higher pitch that he was frothing. Upon seeing his buyer he took the moment to size him up, many questions ran through his head among the lines of [i][color=palegoldenrod]Why would he spend so much money on me? What does he want me for? What will I have to do for him? Why buy the halfling?[/color][/i] Money changed hands and Vergu was unchained, his belongings given to him, he carried naught but his own personal iron signet ring that Elias hadn't bothered to take away, and his set of, albeit dirty, dark purple robes. Vergu simply asked his new master,[color=palegoldenrod]"What would you have of me? It is certainly better than the fate that would have befallen me otherwise."[/color]