Ray's frown deepened when he spoke about his family. She wanted to mention that he definitely had it luckier than her, but didn't want to bring attention back to herself. "Hey." She said, looking him in the eyes, "We'll get outta here, okay?" She continued, "We're gonna fight tooth and nail and we'll survive this hell. We have each other, that's all we need." Sara retained control before she continued to help Geoffry, she didn't speak while she was helping him eat. She didn't know what to say. [b]"We're in a dangerous place."[/b] The voice of her spirit hissed, [b]"They've been lying to you. That Ghost-seeker speaks truth...."[/b] [i]"I know... But there's not much we can-"[/i] Sara spoke back before the voice interjected. [b]"We murder every last head person here."[/b] [i]"WHAT??! No! No we're not doing that!"[/i] Her face flushed its colour as she looked surprised, unable to hold back her worry of what her spirit said. [b]"It will be the only way to survive."[/b]