Distance of Alpha Centauri from Sol: 4.367 light years. Light years in kilometers (km) : 9.461 * 10^12. That's 9,461,000,000,000 km if you convert from scientific notation to regular numbers. One of your Bio-FTL jumps 1,000,000 km at a time. Your hyperdread has 162 Bio-FTLs, so it can jump 162,000,000 km at a time. Divide 9,461,000,000,000 by 162,000,000. The result is 58,401.234, rounded up to 58,402 jumps since you can't have partial jumps. It takes your hyperdread 58,402 jumps just to travel from Sol to Alpha Centauri. Personally I recommend you play a normal human faction, but if you must try this infestation thing, you should probably drop all your numbers. All of them, pretty much. That or do a lot of research to make them sensible. [quote]The Sathrican Scar is an infestation. The Sathrican Scar seeks to consume all in its path to create a network of interconnected minds. The Sathrican believe it is the only way to achieve eternal peace in the universe. The Sathrican have been nicknamed The Scar, because of its wound-like nature. It spreads, infects and hurts the universe as it grows larger and larger. The Sathrican are full of people from other races, civilizations and factions. The Sathrican Scar is ruthless and unforgiving, but may create allies and trade routes with other races. They do not need resources, but may harvest them for diplomatic responses and trades. The Sathrican do not care much for others and may start wars with neutral civilizations after collecting a little intelligence from them.[/quote] An infestation that seeks to consume all in its path and is ruthless and unforgiving will make allies and trade routes? The Scar doesn't need resources, yet it will trade for them? Do they not eat? So the Scar doesn't care much for others, yet will trade with them, but despite potentially trading, they may start wars with neutral civs after collecting just a bit of intelligence on them? There is basically zero possibility of the Scar working with anyone or anyone working with the Scar. I really do recommend you just play some time of human faction since this seems to be your first time around the block. Jumping straight to harder concepts is likely a bad idea. This is a skill much as anything else is. I'm not trying to put you down, I'm really trying to help you get to play with them.