It was interesting that Chloe had a "no shots" rule, as it followed close to his own rule not to push his alcohol limits in public. On their way to the bar Hadey saw another familiar face. It was the bartender from earlier who was dressed more casual than he had been at the bar he tended to. Of course, Hadley was letting the two chit chat, not seeing the harm in it as long as the man didn't have any hard feelings against Chloe for flat out denying him earlier that morning. Due to the music, it was hard to hear the two's conversation, but as he waited in line at the bar he noticed it had gone sour. When the man had tugged on Chloe, Hadley realized he needed to step in immediately. Now, Hadley was far from the confrontational type. He did not enjoy the thrill of a potential fight but that did not mean he would not assert himself in a situation that obviously needed to be defused, and quickly. Fortunately, he had just heard the tail end of their conversation and knew how to interject just as he'd stepped out in front of Chloe, separating the two. "She's already made it [i]clear[/i] that she has no interest in you. Take the loss and move on." There was a demeaning look in his eyes that matched the tone of disgust in his voice. If the guy tried anything well, Hadley's grip on the glass from his drink from earlier tightened, he'd make sure he'd get in the first and last hit.