[center][H1]Freedom from Oppression[/h1][/center] [center][url=https://discord.gg/RYGB2x]Discord[/url] [color=fff200][i][b]By Invitation Only! If you were not invited and are interested, please send a PM to Gunther.[/b][/i][/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rNbxgoI.jpg?1[/img] [i]Itai Balakasi seated at center in white[/i][/center] [h3][i][u][b]In Character[/b][/u][/i][/h3] Your character is in the Republic of Mumbaka in the southern regions of Africa under the oppressive rule of fascist dictator, [color=00aeef][i]President Isa Samadi[/i][/color]. Friends of President Samadi, enjoy a fruitful existence in a nation settled years ago by the Metabeke tribe; a group who suffered terribly at the hands of neighboring tribes. Samadi especially enjoys dealing with foreign businessmen, like the De Beers Diamond Group of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Due to their presence in the nation, Europe and the US turn a blind eye to crimes committed against the people. Most of the outside world, have no idea what is happening here. There are reports of the Samadi administration taking more than their share of the wealth from the mines of the Soka and Melani Mountains. Many of the representatives in the National Assembly, the nation’s legislative branch of government are on Samadi’s payroll receiving British Sterling Pounds as compensation for their votes in the assembly. It is so bad, the Mumbaka Army disregard crimes committed against the population in those regions that are not in favor with the President. There are reports of murder, rape, theft, graft and property destruction that goes unreported because they just aren’t a priority to the current administration. To protect his assets, Samadi has deployed Federal troops around the country to protect national interests. Most of the turbulence is in Western Mumbaka where the mountains provide their wealth. He ordered the Defense Minister, Robson Vera to pay close attention to the activities of his soldiers to insure they comply with enforcing security for the Republic of Mumbaka. President Samadi has also contracted Global Securities International, a professional military corporation (PMC) based in Paris, France to reinforce his soldier’s defense of those locations he deems a priority interest, notably the De Beers Diamond mines. The PMC known as Global Securities International (GSI) has deployed a Brigade sized formation of military contractors into the country. Many of these soldiers are veterans of the French Foreign Legion. This Brigade consists of three battalions, artillery, engineers, helicopters, and special forces soldiers. The Brigade is currently operating out of three Forward Operating Bases (FOB) in Western Mumbaka near Sibaku, the provincial capital of Sippikaku, which has a population of 55,000; Lake Ruboga and Oweru with a population of 40,000 inhabitants. The Mercenaries in the Melani Mountain region conduct force protection patrols in the cities and villages in the region, they provide force protection missions at governmental buildings and the diamond mines. The diamond mines are a large source of revenue and their continued operation is necessary for the furtherance of the nation. Thus far, the European contractors stay out of Marnir in the south; a hotbed of war between a rebel army and the national forces of Mumbaka. [color=0072bc][i][b]Itai Balakasi[/b][/i][/color] is one of six National Assembly Representatives from Kindado province. He is also the Mumbako Socialist party leader and is urging the citizens of the nation to stand up and fight against this oppressive regime. He wants nothing less than the removal of President Samadi. He ostracized himself from the capital city in Gayaga due to recent assassinations of Socialist Party members in country specifically those who verbally stood up to President Samadi. Itai Balakasi retired to his hometown in Boway (Pop. 95,000). After a squad of Mumbaka special forces soldiers attempted to assassinate Balakasi, he moved his rebel headquarters to an undisclosed cave in the Soka Mountains. Mr. Balakasi has a retinue of three hundred rebel soldiers who serve as his personal protection while the nation waits for the outcome of their revolution. The country recently endured a recruitment period in which several thousand Mumbaka fighters have flocked to the Socialist side as well as a few foreign nationalists willing to fight for Socialism. They have taken to call themselves the People’s United Front of Mumbaka (PUFM). Mr. Balakasi has ordered the PUFM to conduct limited attacks and raids upon Mumbaka military positions as well as force protection sites manned by contractors from Global Securities. They have been very active over the past three months conducting rocket and mortar attacks as well as sniper attacks or random shootings in the direction of these military establishments. While much of the country has clearly aligned themselves with one side or the other, the southwestern city of Marnir is suffering the worst of the fighting. As the sixth largest city in Mumbaka with roughly 290,000 citizens, Marnir has drawn blood in the streets. A force of five thousand rebels are standing up to a federal army unit numbering over seven thousand. The nation’s worst violence happened in this city with several factories burned to the ground. In a war that has been waging for only two months, the once beautiful city of Marnir has fallen to be its first victim. With the continent rife with a surplus of firearms, there are rumors that the Peoples Republic of China has been providing Ita Balakasi with Chinese built Type 56 Rifles (AK-47), Type 56 Carbines (SKS) and even a few of the newer QBZ-97 assault rifles as well as larger support weapons like CQ 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun, which is based on the FN MAG used by the mercenaries and the Type 81 Light Machine Gun. They have provided other Chinese built equipment to support the rebellion. The Chinese have taken an interest in Mumbaka because like the Western industries vested in diamonds, they too have made forays in other manufacturing industries in the largest eight cities of the nation. The Chinese are also hoping they can help the Metabeke people in the Zathura basin realize the benefits of living in a Socialist culture. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/I9g5uiR.png?1[/img][/center] [h3][i][u][b]Out of Character[/b][/u][/i][/h3] You are a soldier fighting for freedom from an oppressive African ruler. Focus your character(s) on the southwestern region of the nation. Refer to the map linked below. You can equip your character with any of the weapons mentioned above in the In Character story detailing the situation in the Republic of Mumbaka. Please note, there are two threads telling this story. This one tells the story of a fight for freedom from oppression, while the other thread tells the story of a mercenary band hired to protect the national interests of its oppressive ruler. The Mercenaries are well equipped and well paid. They are highly experienced veterans of either the French Foreign Legion or combat from their home country. They may or may not speak the native language of Mumbaka but do speak either English or French. Your character may be a native of Mumbaka or a revolutionary from a foreign country except Russia! The revolutionaries are funded and equipped by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) who have a vested interest in the country. They have established industry in Mumbaka and could have easily sides with Federal Government. Years of painful negotiations with Isa Samadi have left them frustrated, ready to replace the fascist dictator. Although there are no PRC military units in Mumbaka, the presence of Chinese Private Military Contractors is high. This is a route you could take in creating a character. If you do wish to go this route, please create a squad or platoon sized element of Chinese Mercenaries working in Mumbaka. [hider=Mumbaka map][center][url=https://i.imgur.com/RnFTyOA.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/8kPD6rk.png?1[/img][/url] [i]Click on link for larger clearer image of map.[/i][/center][/hider] [hider=Roleplay Rules][u][b]RULES[/b][/u] 1. GM is GOD!! 2. Treat everyone else in this RP with respect. If you get a lucky dice roll, don't rub it in someone's face. 3. Feel free to include image tags for pics and music. 4. If you need to wrap your text in colors, please use a consistent color. No one is required to use a color. 5. These are advanced writing standards. 6. Just because you as the author/reader read something happening or being said in another thread or in this one, does not mean your character knows (yet) what it is. Unless the story is written in a newspaper, spread across the internet or communicated to your character in person or by phone, they do not know what may have happened. Using this information to make a decision for your character would be considered metagaming and is not tolerated.[/hider] [hider=Combat Rules][h3][u][i][b]Combat Rules[/b][/i][/u][/h3] Because the likelihood of authors (players) from both sides getting involved in a PvP fight, we will use dice roll modifiers (DRMs) to determine the outcome of certain situations. When prompted by the Thread Moderator, please roll the dice using the forum’s dice system and link them into the OOC thread for verification. If your character is representing a group of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) who make up a tactical military unit, you will need to draw up a unit sheet as well as a Character Sheet detailing who they are and what they are capable of. Include the Personal Stats and Personal Skills in your character sheet [u][i][b]Dice rolls[/b][/i][/u] Please allocate a number between 1 and 6 between each of the following six statistics for your character. Pay attention to weight those stats you feel exemplify your character best. The total value of the six statistics should not exceed 20. [u][b]Personal Stats (20)[/b][/u] STRENGTH: DEXTERITY: STAMINA: INTELLIGENCE: WILLPOWER: OBSERVATION: [u][b]Personal Skills[/b][/u] Choose # skills per level Gifted(+5): 2 skills Adept(+4): 3 skills Average(+3): 3 skills Novice(+2): 4 skills (The # of skills you can have per level will depend on the experience level of your character. This number is subjective to the DM’s interpretation of what you have written. I intend to add weight to individuals who have more experience in combat.) [u][b]Personal Skills to choose from[/b][/u] Marksmanship, long guns (Rifles/Carbines/Shotguns) Marksmanship, handguns Marksmanship, sniper Situational Awareness Hand-to-Hand Combat Survival, Escape, Resistance & Evasion (SERE) - A skill encompassing evading capture and survival in the wilderness. Knowledge in this skill also gives the ability to track enemies in wilderness areas. First Aid* Field Craft Tactical Driving Pistols Anti-Armor Weapons Machine guns Hand Grenades/pyrotechnics* Land Navigation* Call for Fire (Indirect Artillery) ATK ACFT request 9-line Medevac Tactician* Strategist (Thinking outside the box) Camouflage/Stealth * Mountaineering Foreign Language – List languages character has knowledge of. #1 is Fluent (Native speaker), #2 is Semi-fluency, #3 is Semi-fluency & #4 – 5 is a rudimentary understanding of the language. * These skills are tasks most soldiers and military leaders are introduced to regularly in their military career. [u][b]Dice Rules - [/b][/u] Rolls made that do not pertain to skills but instead attributes themselves are rolled as 1d20(+attribute points), i.e. “Roll to lift the log out of the road and drive past.” When requested by GM, roll for Observation (Personal) and React to Ambush (Unit) to determine whether the opposition controlled road has an ambush present and/or how well your platoon performed in the kill zone. Roll 1d20 + Personal skill level for your platoon commander (Observation) to see if he spots it ahead of time and an additional roll of 1d20 for your platoon to see how they react. The observation may be an IED or some other obstacle in their path. The platoon rolls to determine how well they react. I recall one time being a patrol with four other soldiers. The point man spotted a trip wire at dusk; low light visibility. We marked the wire and moved over it without setting it off. That point man rolled 20 on observation. On another night, I was on a patrol with my platoon; maybe 26 soldiers in Canada. There was overcast skies with limited low light visibility from moonlight. We may have had 5% illumination. The platoon broke contact during movement; split in half. We had to stop and waste time trying to re linkup before continuing with the mission. Our platoon rolled less than 10 on Move Tactically that night. [u][b]Combat-[/b][/u] *In combat engagements where your character/unit is taken off guard, the modifier of your awareness skill is rolled on 1d20+[modifier] up to and including a roll of 5. A roll of 6-9 keeps your character/unit from being overpowered and only lightly wounded, while a roll of 10-20 lets your character successfully repel and counter with the weapon they are using. *In situations where your character/unit initiates combat on a character/unit, you get an automatic +5 on your initial combat roll against your first two targets. Successful stealth attacks get the same modifier, but only against the first target if attacking at hand-to-hand range, regardless if using a knife or a gun. 1-10 is a failure, your character will be injured and brought down, where a second roll of the dice will determine if the enemy will continue to focus on this character to finish the job or take on another target (less than 5, continue the attack, 5 and up, move on unless there’s no other characters to fight). Depending on the circumstances, GM will decide if the situation will be fatal. Close characters may elect to intervene, where if a player says they wish to intercept, will have to do another combat roll to see if they both make it to the character in time and receive injury in the process. 11-15 is a success, but with minor injury. Your character receives a minor wound that will have to be treated and will hinder their ability to fight somewhat, but it won’t take them out of the fight. Each subsequent roll with an injury will have a -1 penalty on the roll, and each injury added increases the penalty. 16-19 is a success where the best possible outcome for that engagement occurs. 20+ is a success with the best possible outcome for the engagement and the unit/character acquires intelligence or assets that are beneficial to their cause. GM Will provide the added benefit. [u][b]Camouflage/Stealth-[/b][/u] 1-10, Rolls in stealth that fall within this range are considered a failure. Your character is spotted. If a sniper is searching the area you are moving in, he sees you! 11-15 rolls mean a soft success. Enemies may know you are there, but they don’t know where you are. That sniper sees evidence of your presence, but cannot see you. 16-20 is a resounding success. [u][b]Foreign Language- [/b][/u] if your knowledge of a language is rudimentary 1-10 is a failure, you have no idea what was said. 11-15 is a soft success. You understand some of the words; enough to make an educated guess as to what was said or written. 16-20 is a resounding success. No doubt about what was said. [u][b]Unit Skills[/b][/u] When your platoon attempts to employ a procedure, technique or tactic (PTT) that they have rehearsed/trained, roll 1d20+(DRM) (Die Roll Modifier). This will determine how successful the unit was. 1-8 failure. The unit has taken (1d6) WIA, (1d3) KIAs and was stopped from completing their intended technique (PTT). 10-13 Soft success, the unit completed the procedure, technique or tactic (PTT) successfully but took (1d6) WIA. They will need to check for CasEvac. 14-19 success. No casualties were taken and the PTT was a success. 20+ Resounding success. No casualties were taken and the PTT was a success. The unit was able to uncover priority intelligence from the enemy and/or gain additional ground above and beyond their objective. Medal of Honor shit right here. [u][b]Force on Force contact[/b][/u] In those rare instances when two players of opposing faction should establish contact with one another, the size and experience of the two factions will have a decided impact on die rolls and subsequent outcome. I may ask both players to roll for initiative at the outset of an engagement to determine which side gets to roll and write first. If both sides are of the same relative size, then they will each roll once for their unit. If one side is decidedly larger than the other, it will have the opportunity to roll more dice representative the disparity in size. As an example, a platoon of three squads engages an enemy squad in combat. The platoon will roll three times for whoever PTT they are attempting to use as well as other skills that may be applicable. The squad only rolls once since the platoon outnumbers the squad 3:1. It is possible for both sides to have unfavorable results in an engagement which means the engagement may have been a stalemate with both sides taking casualties. Depending on the purpose of the engagement, both sides may also achieve success. Any discrepancies will be decided by the GM. [u][b]Procedures, Techniques and Tactics (PTT) results[/b][/u] 1d20 (+DRM) – 7 results in a failure. Take 1d6 WIA and 1d3 KIA. 8 – 11 results in stale mate. Take 1d6 WIA 12 – 18 results in success. Take (1d6-2) WIA. The casualty dice will result in 0 – 4 WIA with a 33% chance of no casualties at all. 19+ results in resounding success. Take no casualties but take 1d6 prisoners if the numbers are available. In a force on force situation, the opposing player can roll 1d20 to see if their soldiers escape captivity prior to divulging any intelligence. A roll of 1 – 5, they were unsuccessful in their escape attempt resulting in 1d3 of them being killed trying to escape. A roll of 6 – 12 results in a failed escape attempt. 13 – 17 results in a successful escape attempt with 1d3 soldiers being wounded. A roll of 18+ results in a successful escape attempt with no losses or casualties. Use SERE skill for those units or officers who have a DRM in this ability if it applies.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheets][u][b]Primary Character Sheet[/b][/u] Name: If your character has a nickname or a codename, please include that here. Appearance: Age, gender, Height, build, facial structure. Voice and mannerisms, even. Unit: If your character is the leader of a foreign band of mercenaries, please include what size unit this is. YOu can write the quantity of men and whether it is a squad or platoon and also what type of unit this is. Education/Training: Include experience in foreign languages. Background: How did your character get here? What sort of training does he/she have that brings him/her to this place in his/her life. Personality: Try to get detailed with this. Please include both positive and negative personality types. How have these traits affected your character? Is he stronger because of this? Or weaker? Likes: Dislikes: Fears: Morale: (See Unit Sheet section regarding Morale. Your Platoon Commander will not be Green. He/she will be either Yellow, Orange, Red or Black. Black is the highest morale level which enables the leader a morale level of 18. If you roll a 19 or 20 on a 1d20, your leader has suffered some form of a mental breakdown and would rather not be in combat at that particular time. If a unit sees its leader break, the unit must undergo an additional morale check. If they fail two morale checks in the same turn, they run away and suffer 25% casualties.) Leadership DRM: Your leader can roll a 1d20 to rally your unit to return to the fight. This can only happen when they are in earshot; i.e.: He is yelling at them! Depending on what your men think of their leader, he may have more of an impact on the unit than you think. This Die Roll Modifier is actually subtracted from (or added to) the dice roll because when it comes to morale, the lower the number, the better. To determine your character’s Leadership DRM roll a 1d20. If the result is 1 – 3, his DRM = +1. If the result is 4 – 10, his DRM = 0. If the result is 11 – 15 his DRM = -1. If the result is 16 – 18, his DRM = -2. If you roll 19 – 20, his DRM = -3. The best Morale and DRM combination you could have is Black (-3). The worst Morale and DRM combination you could have is Yellow (+1). Include your character's statistics and skills below: (20 points to spread out within these attributes) [u][b]Statistics[/b][/u] STRENGTH: DEXTERITY: STAMINA: INTELLIGENCE: WILLPOWER: OBSERVATION: [u][b]Personal Skills[/b][/u] Gifted(+5): 2 skills Adept(+4): 3 skills Average(+3): 3 skills Novice(+2): 4 skills Weaknesses: At least one nonphysical and physical weakness. Equipment: (Optional) Relationships: As characters are added, write your character’s observations/opinions about the other characters. Write from his/her perspective.[/hider] If your primary character is the leader of a mercenary type unit, please submit a separate sheet titled, "Unit Sheet" with the following information... [hider=Unit Sheet]Describe your unit: How many people? what type soldiers are these? How are they armed? Do they have vehicles? Are they a squad? Platoon? Company? in size. If you don't know how many people are in these echelons, please ask. Morale: Every unit whether it is a band of rebels with no experience or training or a mercenary unit that has been working together for ten years, will break during combat at some point in time. A more seasoned unit will take longer to break than a green unit that is relatively untrained. Each unit will be evaluated by the GM as either [color=39b54a]Green[/color] (8), [color=fff200]Yellow[/color] (12), [color=f26522]Orange[/color] (14) or [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] (17) regarding their morale. Every unit that is fired upon will undergo a morale check. Roll 1d20 and compare it to your unit’s morale. If you roll your unit’s morale factor or less, the unit remains in contact with the enemy and the fight continues. If you roll greater than your unit’s morale factor, they are frightened and forced to run away from the enemy. Individual leaders can rally broken units and bring them back into the fight. [color=00a651]Green:[/color] [b]8[/b] These are inexperienced units that have not been in combat. If they survive this contact then have the opportunity to rest and refit, they will automatically advance to [color=fff200]Yellow[/color]. [color=fff200]Yellow:[/color] [b]12[/b] These are experienced units that have survived contact with the enemy. They are more confident with their abilities and will stand and fight longer than [color=39b54a]Green[/color] units. Once a yellow unit has survived [b]six[/b] engagements, they will automatically advance to [color=f7941d]Orange[/color]. [color=f26522]Orange:[/color] [b]14[/b] These are experienced units that have survived numerous engagements with the enemy. They are seasoned veterans; more confident with their abilities and will stand and fight longer than [color=fff200]Yellow[/color] or [color=39b54a]Green[/color] units. [color=ed1c24]Red:[/color] [b]17[/b] These are elite units that have undergone specialized training. Consider SAS, Rangers, Royal Marines and other specialized commando type units. In this setting, every unit with a [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] morale rating has also survived numerous engagements with the enemy. Include the Unit Skills... [u][b]Unit Skills[/b][/u] Gifted(+5): 2 skills Adept(+4): 3 skills Average(+3): 3 skills Novice(+2): 4 skills Move Tactically* React to Ambush* Noise Discipline* Light Discipline* Conduct a Raid* Conduct an Ambush Conduct an Assault Defend* Casualty Evacuation (CasEvac) Detect Hostile Vehicle Maintenance/Malfunction Weapons Maintenance/Malfunction Land Navigation Use Tactical Drones Communication Shooting Demolitions/EOD Camouflage List as many of your NPCs that you wish here. At least list the positions they occupy and what primary equipment they are carrying or are responsible for. You can write out all their names or none at all; your choice.[/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dd1NcHf.png?1[/img][/center]