You were able to slip out without any issue. The sun stung your eyes when you got out though; while the candles and radiant light from the tinted windows were enough to read your books, the sun itself assaulted your eyes almost as if you had been staring directly at it. Either way though you manage to get over this and head over to the weavers. There was actually quite a line as various village women and even men were here to get things mended. It was mostly clothing, but some fishermen needed sails and nets fixed up as well. Aestella was hard at work at the loom when she noticed you in the corner of her eye. "Ah, hello! Your outfit is done. Nalia, please give her number six." One of the younger women, presumably, Nalia, went to fetch a wrapped parcel with a small tag labeled six. She went over to you and unwrapped it, revealing the traveling clothes you had scrounged before. However this time they were smaller, better to fit your body, as well as cleaned and mended. Compared to your current outfit it was still fairly drab and boring, but at least now you had some spare clothes if you ever need to do some dirty work. A few strips of cloth were also added to your outfit, though what their immediate use were for, you couldn't say for certain. "Sorry friend, I'm a bit too busy to chat right now!" Aestella calls over the roar of her loom. Nalia too went back to work, fulfilling her duties mending and weaving. Not all was going to be too boring though. You'd soon see that thief walking by, seemingly lost in thought all alone. Even Iola wasn't nearby to bark orders at him though it seemed that Toi was tasked to keep an eye on him, though he also kept his distance. He had a small cudgel tucked into his waistband, presumably in the event that the thief reverted back to his old ways.