[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/69ALhmE.png[/img] [i]The [b]sword[/b], the power to destroy and tear down. No, that wasn't what Hannah wanted. Even if there was corruption and evil, it could never be eliminated by such crude means as destruction.[/i] [i]The [b]shield[/b], the power to protect and save. No, Hannah wasn't satisfied with the world as it. Even if there was good and generosity, it could be so much better, the future so much brighter.[/i] [i]The [b]rod[/b], the power to create new wonders. Yes, this was what Hannah desired. More than anything, to bring an original element, an endless bounty into the world where more people would prosper.[/i][/center] [color=d53a3d]"Aaaauum. That was a weird dream. I have the strangest desire to make donuts. I suppose they are a breakfast food-huh?"[/color] Hannah yawned before muttered to herself. As she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she found the mask upon her face. A quick pat down and look about revealed to herself that she was in a fancier, more real version of her usual stage uniform. And more to the point, she was in a cafe she didn't remember falling asleep in. [color=d53a3d]"Ah? Did someone request a performance from Caprice so urgently that they couldn't wait for me to wake?"[/color] Caprice found herself slipping into the third person, her stage performer persona. It was always a bit of a rush, if stressful, to perform, and now she found adversity sometimes goaded her into adopting her magician presence. She lifted herself as gracefully as she could from her seat, aided by the candy cane that whipped out of her sleeve. It gave her a moment's pause to see that she had just summoned food out of thin air, but something about her transformation helped her roll with it, straight up to the bar. She tucked the cane under her arm with poise as she slid herself onto the stool closest to Cait. [color=d53a3d]"Mmm, pardon me, but, do you have something in your ear?"[/color] She asked of the catgirl, reaching forth halfway with her right hand.