[right][h3]Trist Menron, Captain - CFSEU Cover Office[/h3][/right][hr] Trist sat with his eyes closed, head tilted back, one clawed hand stroking his beard, the other tapping on the durasteel desktop. He was aware of the suns heat on his back, the rumble of distant speeder traffic, the louder roar of military aircraft, and the ever present hum of the air refresher unit. His nose twitched as he detected notes of fresh paint, cool metal, and the smells of so many different races all in one space. [i]All in all, could be worse.[/i] He opened his eyes at last and made eye contact with human who was sitting quietly across from him. Trist didn't know how Urik managed it, but the man looked plain, sounded plain, and even damn well smelled plain. Urik smiled, almost as he could read the bothans mind. Trist was convinced he could do just that. "Practice, my friend, lots of practice. Its probably the same reason I have two ex-wives." "Never understood the marriage thing myself." Trist snorted, his long moustache wobbling with the motion. "Let alone why you would do it twice." The human just shrugged and leaned back in his chair, the fake leather sighing beneath his weight. "Shit happens." "Yes, it does." Trist shook his head. "Anyway, what's the word?" "Grandage called in ten minutes ago, they won't be calling into briefing. It seems Khuble has himself some guests and they appear to be preparing to move out." Urik flipped open his datapad. "One Jaren Jast and Co. Ship Raven Trespass. Been gathering a crew that now includes some decent hackers and some hired thugs." [i]Jaren Jast. Now that is a name we haven't seen in a while. Khulbe still has him by the short and curlies I see.[/i] Trist was sorting through his memory for whatever he could think of on Jast. [i]Ah yes, he has a brother in Republic intelligence I believe. Jacen I think.[/i] "I already looked into Jacen and I don't think he's part of this." Urik continued with a sly grin and Trist scowled at him. [i]I forget he almost ended up a Jedi. He would have been wasted on them.[/i] "Okay, so we've got a well known thug / wannabe gangster putting together some sort of team on behalf of the most powerful Hutt on Nar Shadda. This stinks. Any Sith activity?" "Some, but nothing the Hutts won't handle, either in a wonderfully dramatic fashion, or a very boring one. They don't appreciate anyone playing in their pool without permission." Trist snorted. "To true." [i]That's why we went in covert. It's been a hell of a ride but I think we might finally be able to put an end to at least one small part of Khulbes operation. Though I wonder what Jast is up too...[/i] "The team is still in position and can either stick with Khulbe or we can break them off to follow Jast." Urik finished, closing his datapad. "Have them stay with Jast for now. Khulbe isn't personally going anywhere and we can keep an eye on him with the remote units. Is our agent secure inside his household?" "Yea, they will be making contact while things are a bit busy with Ritgars arrival. So far we don't have anything new or exciting to report on that front. It seems Khulbes been up to his usual tricks and we have nothing to report on Jast yet. With any luck the agent will be in touch and can fill us in on what is going on over there." "Good enough for me. Pass the order to Grandage to have them stick with Jast. Otherwise I'll see you in fifteen in the briefing." "Fifteen it is." Urik left, his plain odour lingering for just a moment before dissipating into nothing, as if he had never been in the room.