[@Nate1008] I am not the kindest of people, unfortunately. It is merely within my nature, as empathy and understanding aren't natural to my psychology. Most people are more willing to provide you with assistance, Sierra especially. He's been unreasonably understanding. But here're some of my gripes: Did you look at the rules? Has Sierra written to you yet? How will they participate in the roleplay? Will they just be everyone's enemy? Where is the fun in that? Mindless murder? What's with the research requirements? Where do they come from? Has anyone else followed that logic? What is the consistent logic of the setting? What's with the impossibly gigantic rhinosaurus? You have two hyperdreadnaughts? Even if you don't, why do you have an infested one? What is the infested one even? Should you have one, since you don't fill the requirements you set up yourself? Where is your internal consistency? You are explaining a galactic presence. Should you skimp the details as much as you have been? Why are you doing that even? Is it because it is too much to write otherwise? Did you realize all our complaints about your iterations? Sierra has been trying to help you out with unbelievable patience too, not only writing a breakdown for you, but you seemingly ignored it and made this? How does your entity even still exist? if you want to make it seem like the existential presence of... Whatever form of infestation you want it to be, why has no one killed it yet? It isn't capable of preventing its own destruction based on information provided.