[@Nate1008] Individual projection on your creation is common, and taking offense for critique posed to it is a prevalent thing. You were negative to my response to your first iteration were great examples for this, and I'm sure I am not the biggest recipient of your approval, but I honestly recommend you take what I say to heart in one aspect or another. I've said your NS has been bad this entire time, and I do not mean that as a personal attack. What you've written is merely inconsistent, does not abide by a number of rules set and established, and does not maintain thoroughness. You should not beat out something whilst you're exhausted either, and I say that as someone else with insomnia and a number of other problems that impedes my ability to think rationally. Take time, make something good and consistent, and maintain the quality demanded of this kind of roleplay. Think about what we've said, why we've said it, and improve upon what you've created. Your inspirations are obvious, at least we all think so: tyranids, zerg, and flood. But you've produced something shallower than all of them. Science-fiction is a common franchise we're all aware of, and good science-fiction has explanations. Your rhino's entire explanation for existing is "because it exists," which isn't good. There're is no attempt at science-mumbo-jumbo, and your infested hdreadnaught isn't explained at all either, leaving us all wanting for clarification as to who's it is, how it works, and what it even is. There're also rules on ship-sizes and capabilities, skimped by yourself. "Massive" and "huge" do not work, and "planet-sized," or "planet-like" hyperdreadnaughts have already been discredited by the GM. I'm sure Ozerath will be a lot more reasonable than myself in his eventual statements, although he is busy with numerous aspects. And fixing your bio-FTL is the least of our issues with your sheet.