Orin did what all halfings would do hearing the rage of Elias, he moved to the other side of Sir and the half-orc. He gently placed a hand on each of their legs, so they knew he was there. Orin did not care for angry lizard-folk. They tended to hit things till the problem went away, not very civil. Some things [i][color=red]really[/color][/i] were best worked out of a big meal, a hot cup of tea, and a good nights sleep. Orin made a little smile at the few guards that were still watching him like a hawk. [color=red]"Sirs, might I recommend that we move our introductions elsewhere, like a lunchen table."[/color] He gently drew their attention to one of Elias' men still watching Vergu intently. [color=red]"I don't think we are safe here,"[/color] Orin said. By which he meant, He didn't feel safe here.