Carver waited til they were well past the door to speak, not bothering to whisper. "Corpse flowers. I thought it might be useful to have them out of my hair for a few days." She shrugged. "Also gave me an easy excuse to borrow Sally's basket. She used to just drug Dad into unconsciousness whenever she wanted to leave the lab, so I figured I wouldn't have to explain further." One they got to her bedroom, she closed the door behind them and opened the window. It wouldn't clear out the smell from the rest of the building, but the air in the would be slightly fresher. Once that was done, she reached to pull something out from behind the bookshelf Sally had left behind. The shelves didn't have books anymore, and instead held wooden, fist-sized models of the various heads Carver had worn over the years. What she pulled out was a round, bulky television monitor and a small device used for making recordings of incoming broadcasts. Specific broadcasts, that is: Carver had bugged a number of buildings and public areas in Halloween Town, and the feeds all led back to here.