[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190714/135e195d195e419e98e4a89500878434.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/8d/6d/428d6d4cbda2376efa04ef6e77a20f72.gif[/img][img]https://i.gifer.com/RVSd.gif[/img] [sub]A [@smarty0114] and [@Tootsie Pop] collab Featuring: [color=31ba9f]Jamie Callaghan[/color] & [color=15603a]Beatrix Kingsley[/color] Location: Starbucks, Saturday Morning[/sub][/center][hr][hr] Sitting inside a mostly empty Starbucks in Beverly Hills, Jamie’s fingers rapped a quick rhythm against the table. It was Saturday morning, and Trixie had agreed to meet him here. He’d hoped that sleep would give him a clearer head, but he was just as angry as he’d been the night before. Angry at Owen Lyon, angry at Trixie, and most of all, angry at himself. That said, he wasn’t about to continue this mess. He’d done what Trixie wanted, and whether or not she was pleased with the results wasn’t his concern. This was just him collecting. She could fuck off to Timbuktu for all he cared, as long as he got the paper when she left. On hispanic time, Beatrix Kingsley, recovering from her first stoner night, threw the Starbucks door open, wearing shades to hide her droopy eyes. Her hair was in a high ponytail and her body sported [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/29/90/202990bf2d2295075d8fc201e397acdf.jpg]activewear[/url]. With her, on a leash, was her husky, [url=https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GZMe6Tgpecs/VQCm0rVMXYI/AAAAAAAAyG4/6W_CcQ8JwEQ/s1600/ScreenShot3620.jpg]Atlas[/url], who she had been neglecting for a week and kind of hated herself for it. [color=15603a][b]“Heyyyyyy, Mitzy. It won’t be long, I promise. I know your animal policy. I’d just prefer him to be here with me rather than outside, ya know?”[/b][/color] The dog had his tongue out, breathing heavily. He had gone on his morning jog with his mistress and was the happiest dog on the planet. He sniffed around and ultimately found himself licking Jamie’s shoes. [b]“No more than ten minutes, okay? My boss will kill me!”[/b] [color=15603a][b]“That’s more than enough time. Hey, Atlas. Stop that.”[/b][/color] The husky whined, but obediently went beside his mommy. Not once did he bark out of turn. He was a good boy. With her reusable Starbucks cup, she quickly requested the barista to top it off with Passion Fruit tea. Mitzy eyed the high schooler because of what was already in the cup, but… she wasn’t the police. For whatever reason, the girl needed this and so, she didn’t stop her. Keeping quiet, the barista did her job. In no time, Trixie was sitting in front of Jamie with the dog leash tied to her chair. Atlas laid down beside Trixie and rested. He looked up at the boy with kind eyes before widely yawning. He was so tired. He did so much play. Now it was time to rest. And then play some more. [color=15603a][b]“Try this. It’s delish.”[/b][/color] There was vodka in it. Jamie eyed the drink suspiciously but nevertheless, brought it up to his lips and took a quick sip. The taste of vodka was a surprise, one that made him wrinkle his nose, but he set it back down without much more fuss. [color=31ba9f][b]“Rough night? Maybe almost as rough as mine?”[/b][/color] Jamie fixed Trixie with a steely glare, his arms crossed over his chest. [color=31ba9f][b]“Your boyfriend came to my house last night, pretty livid about an article that [i]you[/i] commissioned,”[/b][/color] Jamie said. [color=31ba9f][b]“Weird, huh?”[/b][/color] Jamie cocked his head, sarcasm dripping off his words. [color=15603a][b]“Aw, honey.”[/b][/color] Trixie took her drink back and gave herself a delicate sip before chuckling, [color=15603a][b]“You really don’t know how to own up to your fuck ups, do you?”[/b][/color] She teased her dear friend, who she had no doubt was dealing with his own set of problems. [color=15603a][b]“I might’ve given you permission, but you wrote it. You published it. Own your work. But I’m not here to give you grief. I’m sure Marshmallow has done that enough, which by the way [i]congratulations[/i].”[/b][/color] Cheers to her gay bestie’s success! [color=15603a][b]“As for my night, I wouldn’t say it was rough but I do have a bit to clean up and until then, I won’t be getting any sex. That’s okay though!”[/b][/color] She gleamed at the angry Newsie, bringing her Problem back to her lips. She’s been using alcohol as a coping mechanism since the break up. It wasn’t like she could just break the habit. She needed it. Jamie scoffed, and rolled his eyes, but he held his tongue. He wasn’t here to defend his position, he’d done that enough with Marshall. [color=31ba9f][b]“We made a deal. You and Owen are back together, which is grand, really. I hope the wedding to BHHS’ resident psycho goes well, but I want the paper. I did what you wanted, and I took a lot of shit for it, not including what I got myself into,”[/b][/color] Jamie said. [color=31ba9f][b]“I’ll be damned if I come out of this with nothing.”[/b][/color] [color=15603a][b]“Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”[/b][/color] Trixie shrugged in nonchalance at his desperateness. It was charming how hellbent he was to have the paper. His baby. Her’s too. And yet here she was holding the keys to a nice, pristine sports car as her like minded frenemy eagerly jumped for it. Of course, Trixie wasn’t anything but honest. If there was one quality she could say was good about herself it was she could never tell a lie or break promises. [color=15603a][b]“Thanks to your lack of class, no subtleties or use of factual references — just harsh ‘rumor has it’— the principal wants to shut down our paper near immediately and have our members, the few that we have, join the Morning Show crew. We did get a lot of traction, and I thank you for that. But like a double edged sword, we also got backlash. So, here’s my solution. You and me will set up a board meeting to discuss the integrity of the paper and why this creative outlet should stay alive. I will put all the blame on myself for your article because I wanted to shame Hailey and Ophelia, and then the paper is all yours. With the condition, you clean it up, because I have no doubt we’ll be on probation for the rest of the semester. Sounds good?”[/b][/color] Jamie sighed, and leaned back in his chair. Did it sound good? No, not at all, but he wouldn’t deny she was right. He’d jump through these hoops, and then the paper would be his. Cleaning it up, that was easy. He’d made plenty of messes, how hard could this one be to clean? [color=31ba9f][b]“Fine. You take the fall, the [i]entire[/i] fall this time. I don’t need Owen showing up to my house to complain to my mom about how I stole your job. Actually, speaking of Owen, let your boyfriend know that if he comes around my house again, I’ll turn his life into a fucking reality show, that would put the Kardashians to shame.”[/b][/color] Jamie said. He had no desire to continue his feud with Owen Lyon but he wasn’t about to seem cowed by his stunt last night. At the end of the day, the worst Owen could do is kill him. [color=15603a][b][i]You do realize his mother as a teenager and her family were the stars of Living it Up with the Lyons…[/i][/b][/color] Trixie kept her personal thoughts to herself. Technically, the Lyons had a far better drama show than the Kardasians, but that was just her opinion. She supposed since Kardasians were what was ‘hip’ now, of course he’d reference that. Anyways, if she weren’t tipsy, she might’ve gotten offended but that was more of the reason she should drink. So she could be a diplomat and not a bitch. Coming prepared, Trixie reached for her gym shoulder bag, which was on the floor beside her dog, and pulled out a folder. She retrieved a contract she written up and slid it over to Jamie, [color=15603a][b]“This here explains the terms of our agreement. You promise to no longer interfere with Owen Lyon, and his personal affairs, which includes me. We can talk, we can mingle, but it will be strictly in a professional setting. You will keep Marshall Radley away from Owen Lyon. If you care about your boyfriend, you will do so at all cost. I will publicly apologize on the Morning Show, taking the full blame, and in return, you will no longer be under the protection of Owen Lyon under any circumstance. If you get bullied, or pushed in the corner, that is your problem. Not his. I will also not advise you for the paper and since HOT is dead, I am no longer a threat to the student body so using my name to ‘blacklist’ other students is no longer applicable.”[/b][/color] She gestured for him to take the pen from her hand, [color=15603a][b]“Break this and I assure you, you will come to learn that my boyfriend isn’t the only one that can get ‘psycho’.”[/b][/color] Jamie eyed the contract with a look of distaste. He picked it up and thumbed through it, confirming the clauses that Trixie had mentioned were all included. The part concerning Marshall was questionable. He wasn’t sure his new boyfriend would be jumping to get to Owen, but if he was, he surely wouldn’t appreciate Jamie interfering. Other than that though, there weren’t any noticeable hiccups or riders that he could see, but then again, he wasn’t a lawyer. A part of him, the one who’d seen way too many TV dramas, wanted to take this home and have a lawyer look over it, to talk it over with Marshall. Another part though, the one that hungered for this reward, for the position he’d waited for, for over two years, grabbed the pen and signed. He looked up at Trixie, and smiled. [color=31ba9f][b]“A pleasure doing business with you,”[/b][/color] he said. [color=15603a][b]“We do get a lot of pleasure from this, don’t we?”[/b][/color] Trixie slid the signed document back in front of her and gave Jamie a last goodbye, [color=15603a][b]“Good luck with your future and all. I only wish the best for you.”[/b][/color] Atlas went to a standing position and stretched his body, sensing it was almost time to leave this popsicle stand. [color=31ba9f][b]“Same to you,”[/b][/color] Jamie said, unsure if he really meant it. Trixie left him sitting where she’d found him, and flashed him a playful wink as she pushed out the Starbucks doors and into the rest of the world. Jamie shook his head, while his face broke out into a grin. He’d done it.