[@Guy0fV4lor][@Zeroth] Unaware of the trouble Jason was having with the frog Danny wasn't too surprised when the frog flipped over on it's back after a single stab to one of it's eyes, He almost considered the fight over when it got back up and prepared another attack. of course he didn't want to get his by what was either acid or some kinda poison strong enough to kill grass by touching it so he circled the amphibian as fast as he could hoping to get behind it. Whether he succeed on evading the hit or not Danny felt that any creature with poison was too dangerous not to take out as fast as possible. So despite the no doubt high hit to mana reserves he went with what he believed the strongest attack available to him [b]Mana Orb II[/b] and just tor try to make it even more powerful he boosted it with his incomplete chant skill. [color=0076a3]"This may be the most basic offensive spell I know but it shouldn't be underestimated. Mana Orb Deluxe!"[/color] He just hoped that not specifying the rank of the spell didn't matter and that he had enough MP not to end up with Mana Burn or whatever the first stage of that debuff was called. [hider=Current abilities, inventory and evolution-list] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Mana Orb I and II[/b] [*] [b] Lesser Force II[/b] [*] [b]Levitation[/b] [*] [b]Monster Analysis II[/b] [*] [b] Meditate I[/b] [*] [b] Mana Shape I[/b] [*] [b] Aqua Sphere I[/b] [*] [b] Magic Analysis I![/b] [*] [b] Mana Dart I[/b] [*] [b]Blunt Resistance I [/b] [*] [b]Focus I[/b] [*] [b]Faster I[/b] [*] [b]Plant Analysis I[/b] [*] [b]Mana Vision I[/b] [*] [b]Point Strike I[/b] [*] [b]Muffle I [/b] [s]Wisp[/s] > (Immature) Poltergeist [/list] Inventory:[list] [*] Source Crystal Shard x1, used [*] Sharp Stone [/list] [/hider]