Madeline frowned. She sighed and nodded. She would, then, quickly shake off that reaction. She would manage a faint smile for Duncan. "...very well." She stood up. She walked towards the door. She paused to glance back. She took a breath and, then, left. She went to check on the princess. However, she suddenly felt quite lonely. She was not entirely sure why. But, she could guess to what it MIGHT have been. ………………… Annabelle still frowned. She just barely nodded, and only once. She let out another sigh. She blinked when he did that trick. The princess stood still, and silent, as she watched it happen. Soon, petals were falling all around her. One landed on her nose. It tickled a bit. She suddenly sneezed after that. She sniffed a bit after she sneezed. She looked at keith. "...i apologize." …………………. Emily was busy cleaning. She heard voices coming from a certain room. She blinked and frown. Her eyes had gone wide. She, then, carefully approached the door. She pressed her ear against the door. "...excuse me? is someone in there?" She waited.