Myrila couldn't help but scoff a little at Griffon being rebuked like that. How could he not realize his little speech could offend the heroes not mentioned? And didn't he hear about how they were just supposed to choose which hero to go with, not to make a scene in front of the throne like that? [color=00aeef][i]"America, huh? I certainly never heard of such a place before. They really came from another world...[/i][/color] She knew how the myth said pretty much the same thing, but now she had the definite proof that said myth was true. She looked at all the heroes once more. She had to make her decision right away. It wouldn't do to make everyone wait. In the end, she decided on the Sword Hero. She stepped forward, walking confidently and as regally as possible to his location. [i][color=00aeef]It makes sense. Sword should be the most balanced out of all the heres. And he would sync well with my magic as he could stand in the front and protect me while I cast my spells.[/color][/i] She gave a slight bow with a smile once she arrived in front of him. [color=00aeef][i]"Greetings, o Sir Cole of the Sword. My name is Myrila Astinili, a mage. I feel honored to be of service."[/i][/color]