The Sundown Company started in 1964 as a private military organization. They were founded by Bill Tyler in Arizona, where their original base was kept. Over the years, the company became involved in a few scandals, and the legality of their existence came to question. Where they private soldiers? Or mercenaries? In 1980, the company was ordered to shut down operations, but seeing as it made it's founder a multimillionaire, Bill was less than willing to let his cash cow go. Instead, he decided to pick up and move his business somewhere they would never be found: the deep jungles of Venezuela. Enter Camp Sunshine. The "Camp" operates under the guise of a summer camp for rich kids, or at least that's what goes on the paperwork. The real mission behind Camp Sunshine is a bit more insidious: training mercenaries for the field. These soldiers, once trained, can be bought and shipped off to fight for whoever has the deepest pockets. Each soldier is worth thousands of dollars. Camp Sunshine offers a wide range of fun summer activities, such as an afternoon at the shooting range, a dip in the lake, or maybe a nice hike in the woods. To to wrap the idea of this RP up, you will be playing a merc-in-training at Camp Sunshine, a brutal training program that lasts the course of a summer. Your character could have military experience beforehand, or they could fresh. You can incorporate a bit of sci-fi into your character if you like. One of mine, for example, will have a bionic arm. If you have questions or ideas you want to run by me, feel free.