Blackout Rebel camp Jaylen picks up a slice of orange and pops it in his mouth. "Poe is in the Soul Void of Lord Admiral. After landing a fatal blow a door to the Admiral's Soul Void, the personal dimension where their true body resides, opened and Poe managed to invade this realm. And I can only assume he was successful in finishing Lord Admiral." Karnariel speaks up. "Then where is Poe? Why hasn't he returned?" "I am not sure. There are three possibilities. One, Poe defeated the lord and was trapped in his Soul Void. Two, Poe and the Lord killed each other. Three, Poe was captured by The False One. The Father." Father's Prison Cell Nevermore stirs. She groans in pain and spits dried blood onto the floor. Her eyes are filled with dried blood as well. She slowly shifts and sits up against the wall. "You still there Razz?" Nevermore calls out. The dried blood is like knives in her skull so she keeps them shut. Her voice is raspy and weary. "He's still here." Nel answers. "You too?" Nevermore is surprised to hear Nel. "I don't suppose you have the keys." "No." Nel answers. "Razz, any ideas?" Mountain Fort Cove Smough has his men throw a wide net to catch Blaze and Flame. The nets lower them safely down to the deck. Smough looks up at the ruined mountain. "The two of you took the Mountain? That's a story I'd like to hear." The ship doctor is busy administering sedatives to the women so Smough himself begins to check Flame. Smough stops though turns to Blaze. "May I?" The fleet begins to set sail.