Elaine smirked and shrugged her shoulders. "Noone is slowed in my private quarters aside form myself and the two of you know that. To enter there would have been Ill advised even if an intruder were present" she stated angrily. "You two should have came for me, not my room" she added as she walked to her door and disenchanted the lock spell placed on the knob. She opened her door and looked around the room. "Noone is here" he said with a sigh before looking with her magic scence. There were foot prints in a frantic pattern as though someone had entrered by accident and had trouble finding an escape. "If someone were here I already know what they would want" she said entering the room fully and sitting down in her chair. "There are footprints, and the window was open, but nothing is missing so I might have seen something wrong, who knows" she said not wanting to jump to any conclusions. She looked up at Duncan "you talk as though you know exactly who Desmond is" she said bluntly "if you know this than why would you have left him unguarded in the first place? Do you not know his full history?" She asked concerned that Duncan might be after Desmond for the wrong reasons. _________ Desmond made his way back to the fountain as he saw the lady in waiting approaching and he stopped in his tracks. He could sense she didn't like him. He knew it from the moment he walked into this castle. He was an outcast everyone aside from Keith knew his history and none of them trusted him.