[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Her searching for Jeremiah was fruitful--in that she was actually looking the right way when the tree fell, dividing them from their captain. Though the log somewhat obscured the view, it didn't hide the soldier's brutal death, which confirmed everything that the paladin needed to know, calling out over the din of the battlefield and the screams of bandits with surprising clarity: "Nobody try blocking him!" Exactly like the royal soldiers they had seen earlier--plate cleaved like it was just foil; armour, weapon, and bone giving way with no difficulty. [i]Her[/i] sword might be able to take it, but the number of blessed blades amongst the Iron Roses was quite slim. It wasn't a firm way to judge Jeremiah's ability, but perhaps he was one of the more exclusive adventurers gone rotten, already a match or more for most of their knights without the advantage of negating their main usual advantage. The bandits between Tyaethe and the log were the next people to fall in pieces. If Fanilly could just deal with him until others got there... "Three hundred...? Three [i]hundred?[/i] W-We killed the Vos Korvungand to a man!" ... if he didn't make [i]Tyaethe[/i] collapse with laughter first.