[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] Aria and the shielded knights surged past Fleuri through the breach, into the fray. [i]I've done my part, I suppose, [/i]he thought as he watched his colleagues charge. [i]No. An Iron Rose's work is never done,[/i] he rebuked himself. He was unsure what he could do, and how to make himself useful. He needed to see where he was needed, and he couldn't do that from where he was standing. [i]I need a better view of the battle[/i], he contemplated as he looked around. His eyes came to a stop on a tree at the edge of the camp, possessing branches low enough to climb onto without difficulty and large enough to support the weight of an armored knight. From up there he'd have a relatively unobstructed view of the camp. Somewhat reluctantly, he drove his greatsword into the ground, as it would impede climbing (and in his haste to join the battle he had neglected to take a sheath or sling for it), then drew his dagger and thrust into the tree trunk. Using the dagger as a step, he made his way up to a large branch. The limb shuddered as he climbed onto it, but to his relief it did not give. He remained uneasy at having disarmed himself to get up there, but was at the same time relieved to be able to see what was going on. The bandits were surrounded on all sides. The initial attack, spearheaded by the captain herself, had driven the bandits back, right into the path of the three other groups. He looked closely for any sign of this so-called "bandit king" but none of the surrounded brigands looked like or fought like a bandit king. None of them looked or fought like real warriors, just raiders and ruffians. Certainly nobody capable of cutting through those Thaln soldiers. He continued looking, searching for any exposed flanks of either friend or foe, and for any spots where the bandits threatened to break out of the encirclement and escape. He spotted one straggler, a crossbowman who had somehow avoided the encirclement. There was no need to go after him, however- the Captain herself rushed up to the shooter and handily dispatched him. Perhaps I should just join Tyaethe's group. No real use for me in Aria's shield wall... He was about to climb down when he saw a burning tree fall near the Captain's location. He couldn't discern whether or not the tree struck her, but what was clear was that she had been cut off from her group. Whether it was a trap or not, the captain likely needed help. Without thinking twice, he jumped down from the tree and reclaimed his armaments from their impromptu sheaths, then rushed in the direction of the burning tree without delay. If his hunch from earlier was correct- that the enemy leader would single out Fanilly, as a perceived weak link in in the Iron Roses and as a symbol of the kingdom he so brazenly opposed- it was quite possible that he was heading straight for the Bandit King. [i]Reon, whatever I face, I ask for your blessing that my sword strike true, and I ask for your protection that will I not fall.[/i]