Although everyone on the island had no doubt been informed of their visitors' arrival, the sight of Meesei in her current state was not something that most could simply take without reacting. Even among Psijic monks. They had not run into too many others on their way outside, but there were a small group of three Psijics practicing in the arena. As Zyausak had explained to Lunise the previous day, the location was known as the "Colosseum of the Old Ways". It was, in his opinion, a rather grandiose name for what amounted to a small stone arena primarily used to study atronach skirmishes and carry out magical exercises. The woman who turned to address Lunise was an Orc and, fairly predictably, was briefly startled when she turned around. Neither her nor the other two Altmer were anyone they had met since arriving, but they all calmed down quickly enough that they were likely already knew who they were. "I...sorry, I knew we were getting visitors, but I didn't expect you to be walking around like...that. I thought Sage Nytala was in charge of you two? Is there...something wrong?"