[@banjoanjo][@OwO][@AdmrlStalfos19][@Savo][@Asuras] And we start a new dayyyyyy. The Galaxy attack has become headliner news in Tenoroshi, and national news channels are talking about it as well. Of course, they largely focus on Daehyun's survival rather than the 'unnamed deceased youth', because, well, who cares about the kiddo lmao. If anyone wants to visit Galaxy, it's taped off by the police and while some curious fellows are snapping pictures, the police are largely telling people to back off. Right now, it's around 9-10 AM. The weather is pleasantly moderate. I'll let y'all figure out your own starting positions and trajectories this time. I [i]think[/i] most of y'all have things to do now? If you have any questions or clarifications, as always, hit me up. Now I'll regret being so inefficient in the construction of this post. Time to yeet myself to bed.