[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmNkMGQwNC5WRzkzYmcsLC4yAAAAAA,,/shlop.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmNkMDQxMS5ORG94TlNCaGJRLCwuMgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/shlop.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=f7976a]“Hm, perhaps you should.”[/color] Varis agreed with Eris’s suggestion, raising an eyebrow expectantly. [color=f7976a]“One of my vassel’s was prattling on about it a decade or two ago and now that you’ve reminded me, it would be an interesting experience. Probably wouldn’t have to wait more than an hour either.”[/color] Varis contemplated the idea seriously. The vampire probably hadn’t expected Varis to react, much less like this, but catching the actor by surprise was always amusing. The corner of his mouth twitched upward in brief amusement. And if the actor followed through... well, Varis wouldn’t waste the opportunity. Alderman’s comments caught his attention quickly after that though, eyebrows shot up in surprise. His words, if genuine, wouldn't have caught his attention but the insolence in his tone grated on the Sinnenodel’s nerves. The Starag boy may be incompetent but at least he knew how to keep his tongue still. Varis eyed the waif critically. While normally he could just allow Eris to handle his own problems, blatantly disrespecting a vampire known to be in regular contact with himself would be paramount to approval. [color=f7976a]“A ugly bark fitting an ugly mutt. Here I thought you merely had the good sense to keep your council but I was mistaken. Hold your tongue in the future otherwise you’ll find yourself without the choice to loose it. Whatever insolence you had the opportunity to develop should be quelled now.”[/color] Varis warned the mage before turning back to Eris. [color=f7976a] “You have some work cut out for you with this one. I recommend investing in a muzzle for the mage straight away. If he continues to act like this, we can have his magic artificially bound over his breaks. Deprive the boy of his reprieves until he behaves.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“Let’s be about getting your mage his toy. The sooner we do that, the sooner we can rid ourselves of mages for a while.”[/color] Varis sighed. Frankly, he wanted to leave as soon as he dropped off the boy. It was the whole reason he gave him the night off despite his performance issues.Varis would be more than happy just to leave Alderman here to find his own if it meant leaving sooner but he understood leaving a dog without its master on the first day was never a good way to establish the relationship. Meanwhile, Jory receives a very angry text message response. [color=39b54a] “What do you mean, what do we need you for? Remember, we were supposed to talk at lunch but we couldn’t find you? And now you’ve disappeared into the wind again? You know, the whole you have to help us or the Hive digs through your head deal? Ring a bell?”[/color] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmNkMDQxMS5SWFIwYVhGMWFYUmxJRU5zWVhOei4yAAAA/shlop.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmNkMDQxMS5ORG94TlNCaGJRLCwuMgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/shlop.regular.png[/img][/center] Plenty of students made their way around campus now that their last class was done for the evening. Mages and vampires roamed in groups in various degrees of haste, the newer students clearly a little overwhelmed by everything they’ve gone through today. Students separated for various extracurricular activities, some heading towards the arena and others heading back into the halls. As she often did, Ryner could be seen walking around campus and talking excitedly with various staff and students with Sariel and William trailing close behind her. Salem’s next class was held in the Library’s Study Room 1, easily found on the side of the massive room. His name and another, [i]Julian Noila[/i], were written in neat script on the marker next to the door. Various sconces glowed along the walls covered in soft tapestries depicting various scenes from history and a fire crackled on the back wall. Plush carpet muffled the sound of footsteps and the various chairs from the room were lining the walls. On the far end of the room, a small round side table held a ruler and a metal rod. A stool sat in the middle of the room. But perhaps most noticeably, the walls rose and rose without end and faded into the sky to reveal a million stars shining down softly. This would be the sky above the academy without lights, without civilization, as if the room hovered ten thousand feet in the air. It was one of the most popular ones, especially with astronomy students, and plenty of people just came in to star gaze for an hour. Far less exciting, a vampire stood on the back wall. Hands clasped behind his back, his face neutral as he awaited his newest pupil, Julian Noila instructed every Noila and every Starag to grace the royal household in the past 300 years in manners and etiquette. The man towered over most, looking down with a haughty expression at those who didn’t reach his standards and incorrect behaviors were quickly met with a swift snap of a ruler or, if the individual was particularly stubborn, a metal rod. The man wore a simple three piece suit, hair pulled back tightly and just the hint of a scowl twisted his otherwise blank expression.