[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DLGhcA0.png[/img] [sub]The Learner, The Martial Dancer, The Compassionate, The Wanderer, The Teacher, The Sailor, Last of the Zhengwu[/sub] & [h1][b][u]Karamir[/u][/b][/h1] & [url=https://youtu.be/jERzLseoAOM]Others[/url] [/center] [hr] Once more, Karamir had more or less been left to his own devices. Keibrik was gone, and Karamir doubted that K’nell would bring him back again, so for now he would wander on his own. Taking a brief look around the gardens, he set his gaze down the path leading back to the Palace, and began walking. His walk took him past rows of crooked apple trees and many fine bushes trimmed into bizarre shapes. A few that stood out were ones in the shapes of great bull-men, and a few strange feathered people, the trim work being such that each feather was sculpted from fingernail sized leaves -- there was even one that looked like a mix between a grotesque man and a shrimp. Eventually Karamir passed through the bronze gates of the palace. Inside the gates, the visuals took on a more simplistic face, with alien flowers and vine fruits tangling alongside the cobblestone path. Eventually that too was cut short as the steps to the front door pushed out from the walkway. A few steps more, and he found himself face to face with the large door, a handle he didn’t notice the first time awaiting him. Taking a breath to prepare himself for whatever came next, Karamir grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. The outside air rushed in behind him as he along with it spilled into a long hallway. He went to close the door behind him, but five slender fingers suddenly gripped it from the outside, forcing it back open. With two clicks of a boot, Diana slipped through the doorway, letting the door slam behind her. “Not going to hold the door for a lady?” She chastised behind a curling smile. Past the poison of her voice, perhaps there was a little acknowledgment in the words -- something was different about her. “Before I came here I had never even [i]seen[/i] a door,” Karamir pointed out, eyeing her warily. What did she want now? “Ever the defensive,” Diana mused, “But what treasure could you possibly be protecting?” She asked as if she was instructing a lecture before putting on fist on her side. Karamir furrowed his brow in confusion. “Treasure? I have nothing. What do you mean?” A pitying grin took Diana’s face and she began to walk down the hall, “Oh I know, dear. Now come, you don’t want to be late.” “Late for what?” he asked, falling into step beside her despite his distrust. “I decided to throw a ball,” Diana looked over her shoulder at Karamir, “I had a new dress made and everything.” She rubbed the fabric of her ‘new’ dress, but it didn’t seem much different -- perhaps it was longer. “Doesn’t look that new to me,” Karamir commented. “Why make a new one if it’s almost exactly like the old one?” Diana gave him a hurt look, “Maybe to the untrained eye it looks the same, but I assure you it is very different. It even flows differently, couldn’t you tell? Don’t tell me quality is lost on your eyes, or lack thereof.” Karamir gave a non-committal shrug. “And what is going to be at this ‘ball’?” He asked her. K’nell had told and shown him what a ball was, but somehow he suspected Diana’s version of a ball would be rather different. “Music, dancing,” Diana smiled, “New friends -- I took the liberty of inviting a few you had mentioned to K’nell in fact. Isn’t that grand?” “You did?” Karamir asked, somewhat surprised. Now he found himself worrying about what Diana might have in store for [i]them[/i] as well as him. Strange, considering he had never actually met these people yet. And how would K’nell feel about this anyway? The god had not strictly told him no, but also hadn’t said yes. Though surely he had to know it was happening? “And why shouldn’t I?” Diana held out her elbow for Karamir, “I’m your friend, am I not? This is what you wanted?” Reluctantly, Karamir linked his arm with hers, doing his best to ignore the unpleasant sensation that usually arose from such contact. “It is what I asked for, yes…” his voice trailed off. “Oh you don’t have to hide it, Karamir,” Diana cackled, “You can be excited.“ “Excitement doesn’t come easily to me, you know,” was all he could think to say. “But you will still come, won’t you?” Diana frowned, “We are practically there.” She looked ahead at the golden door at the end of the hallway. “I might as well,” he answered, wondering why she had to ask the question at all when he was here walking with her. “Good choice,” Diana smiled and stopped in front of the golden door. There was a soft pause and then it suddenly creaked open, a cloud of dreamweavers pushing it wide. Inside the ballroom the throne was empty upon its dias, and all around dancers in slim suits and flowery dresses bobbed to the sounds of a ghostly violin, a strange high pitched shed almost competing with a soft plucked melody for the stage. Along the walls, dark shadows watched the dancers with a certain curiosity -- and come center stood a woman wearing a crimson dress. It was strapless upon her glowing white skin, and flowed down her figure. Her hair, also glowing, was held in a tight bun, save for a few loose strands running down the sides of her face. As she danced to the music, with her eyes closed, the dress moved like water behind her. For a moment Karamir stared at her. He had never seen anyone who looked like that. Then, slowly, he unlinked his arm from Diana’s and stepped forward. “Hello?” he said to her. The woman in red spun around to face the voice and opened her eyes to reveal to black orbs. She paused her dance, coming to a stop as she faced him. Slowly she began to smile warmly. She then said, [color=ivory]”Oh hello!”[/color] her voice excited and sweet as she walked towards him. Karamir took another quick glance around the room, to see if anyone else was present. “My name is Karamir,” he said to her, “and who would you be?” She cocked her head, raising one of her eyebrows at his name, before stopping in her tracks a short distance away. She eyed him up and down before saying, [color=ivory]”I always wondered what became of you, Karamir.”[/color] A sad smile fell on her lips, before returning back to her cheery self. [color=ivory]”But to think I’d meet you here, at long last.”[/color] she gave a small curtsy. [color=ivory]”My name is Arya.”[/color] Arya. One of the mortals Kalmar had told him about, and one of the people he had asked to meet. Vaguely recalling the manners that Diana had taught him, Karamir returned the curtsy with a slight bow. “You know who I am?” he questioned. She nodded, [color=ivory]”Of course! Kalmar told me about you a long time ago. I was sorry to hear how he raised you however, I did not think it right in the slightest but he said he was going to reach out to you to ‘catch up’ as he put it. Did he?”[/color] she asked, crossing her arms. What? Kalmar had spoken to her, but not to him? Why? What had [i]she[/i] done that made her so much more important to contact? And so long ago, apparently. “No,” he answered bitterly. Then again, he hadn’t made any attempt to contact Kalmar either... Arya visibly frowned and narrowed her eyes, looking past him for a moment, a smiling Diana in her sight. She then let out an angry sigh before looking back at Karamir with a soft smile. [color=ivory]”I’m sorry to hear that, Karamir. I have a few choice words for him, but that can come later when I wake up.”[/color] she said beginning to walk towards him. [color=ivory]”Would you like to dance?”[/color] “Dance?” Karamir questioned, raising his eyebrows. “I don’t know how.” [color=ivory]”Perfect!”[/color] she exclaimed happily, now standing before him. She was tall, very tall. She then arched her back and outstretched her hand in his direction. He looked down at her hand, then up at her eyes. After a moment, he set his basket down and reached out to take her hand. Without hesitating, Arya took his hand within her own and pulled him forward in one fluid motion. She nodded at Diana and then took Karamir’s other hand and began to step backwards towards the center of the room. [color=ivory]”First things first, relax. Let your mind empty, listen to the music and breath. Just breath. If you do that, I can do the rest.”[/color] she said enthusiastically. So, he did. He wasn’t quite sure how he was supposed to keep his mind completely empty, but he did his best to restrain the various thoughts and concerns swirling about in his head. And he breathed, which was somehow calming. Then there was the music, which now that he took the time to listen to without worrying about potential threats or hazards, was actually relaxing in its own right. [color=ivory]”Can you feel the music?”[/color] Arya whispered, [color=ivory]”How it wants to flow through you? How it desires to move you to match it? You’ll have to trust me next, Karamir but shut your eyes and let the rhythm move you.”[/color] That wasn’t quite how he would describe it, but he nodded back at her anyway. And he did have some reservations about trusting someone he only just met, or closing his eyes in a large room, but K’nell had once told him the only danger here was his own mind, so he closed his eyes. Step by step they began, slowly moving their bodies with the music. With elegance, Arya took the lead, guiding Karamir as best she could. They practiced parts over and over again, through failure and success she taught Karamir the basics, and not a word was said between them. Just the steady rhythm of the music and breathing of the two. Eventually, once he had most of the movements memorized, he opened his eyes. And then Arya spoke. [color=ivory]”How was that?”[/color] For a moment he was speechless, and it took him a few seconds to find the words. “That was…” his voice trailed off with what seemed to be uncertainty, only for him to suddenly regain his composure. “...Fun,” he concluded with a nod and a slight smile. Arya beamed a smile at him, [color=ivory]”Good, because now we put it altogether. Don’t worry about messing up, just go with the flow.”[/color] and she tightened her grip on his hands as she began to dance step pulling him in tow. Arya maintained focus on Karamir as she danced with fluidity. [color=ivory]”So tell me. How do you know Diana?”[/color] The question caused Karamir to stumble, and although he tried to recover and resume dancing, his movements were no longer in sync with the music. “I… it’s a long story…” he began, clearly uncomfortable. She gave him a look of concern, but nodded, falling out of sync to bring him back in. [color=ivory]”Don’t worry, I understand, Karamir. You don’t have to tell me anything that you don’t feel comfortable with sharing. Forget I even asked.”[/color] she said softly, squeezing his hands again. Slowly she brought him back into sync and then said, [color=ivory]”You can ask me anything you want.”[/color] Anything? “Why did Kalmar speak to you but not me?” he found himself blurting out. [color=ivory]”Well that’s simple, I prayed to him.”[/color] Arya said, surprised. [color=ivory]”He seldom seeks any out, Karamir. But you’d think the God of Hunting would be a bit better at that sort of thing. I’m just as angry at him as you are.”[/color] “Maybe I should pray to him, then…” Karamir spoke quietly. [color=ivory]”I think you should. He might now show it, but he does care. He just has a very… Difficult way of showing it. But when you do finally speak to him, hit him with hard questions.”[/color] she said, giving a playful smirk. “I will keep that in mind,” Karamir noted thoughtfully. “I have another question. What gods have you encountered?” She pursed her lips in thought. [color=ivory]”Hmm. Well there’s K’nell, Shengshi, Kalmar, Arae, Choppy and Orvus I do believe.”[/color] she said, briefly pressing herself into him before stepping back in step. “And what were they like?” he asked next, his cheeks briefly reddening at the closer contact. Arya smiled cheerfully. [color=ivory]”Well you’ve met K’nell I’m sure. He is a gentleman, and a kind soul. Shengshi is wise, kind, but duty and mannerisms come before anything else. He, along with K’nell, taught me many things and for that I will always be grateful. Kalmar… As we both know, difficult, stern and blunt. Beneath his exterior though, kindness and willingness to change. Just a bit.”[/color] she said with a giggle. [color=ivory]”Arae is, perhaps the kindest Goddess I’ve met. She is motherly and will listen to whatever you say, offering sage advice in return. Choppy is perhaps the strangest of all the gods, but I like her. I did a quest for her actually and through it I met some amazing people.”[/color] she said with a sad smile. [color=ivory]”As for my father, I once thought Orvus was cruel and hateful but as time went on, I realized he was simply misunderstood. He’s changed so much since the day I was born. I like him now.”[/color] “I see…” was all Karamir could say. Some of those descriptions matched what Kalmar had told him, while others seemed to contradict them. One or two of those gods, Kalmar had not met at all. “I only met Kalmar, Phystene, and K’nell,” he confided. [color=ivory]”I’ve always wanted to meet Phystene… To apologize for a mistake. But what’s she like?”[/color] she asked. “I only met her briefly,” Karamir said. “She was friendly, but I was young and angry. I had questions she couldn’t answer, and I left in frustration,” he confessed with a touch of regret in his voice. [color=ivory]”We all make mistakes.”[/color] Arya said sadly. [color=ivory]”I once left Shengshi and Kalmar in anger after blowing a hole in the Jiangzhou. Those were the days.”[/color] she chuckled. “I heard about that…” Karamir said, his tone turning neutral. “What happened after?” [color=ivory]”Ugh, who told you? Was it Kalmar?”[/color] she said, rolling her eyes playfully. “He told me of every mortal and god he encountered up until my creation,” Karamir revealed. [color=ivory]”Of course he did.”[/color] she said with a laugh. [color=ivory]”Well after that I got so flustered with myself I didn’t know which way was which. I wanted to go back you see, to apologize but by the time I that happened I was across a vast desert. A sand storm came and I had to escape it. So I flew, faster than I ever have since and found myself at the World’s Scar, where Narzhak lies. That was where I met Split, a Kostral. The chosen warrior race of the Pit. We went on Choppy’s quest after that, but that’s another story entirely.”[/color] “I’d like to hear it.” [color=ivory]”Well, It all started with a delivery…”[/color] she began, telling Karamir about the harrowing journey over the Dragon’s Foot, their meeting with Chopstick Eyes, of Penelope the giant Jackalope, of the Volcano erupting and their journey through the Market. She spoke with enthusiasm, recounting the tale as if it was just yesterday. Then her voice grew quiet as she spoke about the monster that attacked them, of the Penelope being hurt and running off, and her own injury. She then told him about Hermes and Xiaoli and how they found her upon Tendlepog and her life there and the conversation continued on as they danced. Throughout it all, Karamir listened attentively, asking the occasional question or making a comment. During certain points of the song he even attempted to take the lead in their dancing. He was enjoying himself, he realized. [Color=ivory]"...And so that was how I began my journey on the Zhengwu. Another story and one I would rather not get into today."[/color] Arya said sighing. She tilted her head to the side and looked at Karamir again and suddenly said, [color=ivory]"What will you do when you wake up?"[/color] “Wake up?” Karamir asked, raising his eyebrows. “I’m not sleeping.” She blinked before her eyes went wide with realization. [Color=ivory]"You mean… You're actually here? Physically here… How… Oh, I see. At least you're in the Palace. Limbo can be a very dangerous place. When will you leave?"[/color] she asked. When [i]would[/i] he leave? Even someone who did not know of his dilemma was already pressuring him to make a decision, however unknowingly. If he chose to stay with Diana… all those years of suffering, he did not want to go through again. She had granted his request when K’nell had not, and so far had nothing had gone wrong… yet Karamir had to wonder if she was only doing this to get him to stay. He thought of the basket which he had left on the floor; how if he did not restrict his thoughts, he would never have true privacy. Then there was K’nell himself, who seemed unwilling or reluctant to aid him. If he did stay, what awaited him here? But if he left, what awaited him on Galbar? A great deal, he realized. He recalled the library. Countless books chock-full of information about stories, ecosystems, species, and people. Apparently all of that was on Galbar, and somehow, during the several decades he spent there, he had missed it. But now that he knew it existed, perhaps he could find it… And in that moment he knew he had made his decision. “Soon,” he told her. [Color=ivory]"And where will you go?"[/color] “I don’t know. Somewhere. Everywhere. Depends on what I find.” [Color=ivory]"The dreamers are not far from Limbo. You could stay with them for awhile if you wanted. Just tell them you know me."[/color] she pulled. [Color=ivory]"Or you could come to the Eye. I know father would come and get you. He's very fast."[/color] she giggled. “The Eye?” Karamir spoke with confusion. “I did not think Kalmar would have allowed your father on Kalgrun.” [Color=ivory]"Oh, right. I meant the Eye of Desolation. Not the Hunters Eye."[/color] she laughed. “And where is the Eye of Desolation?” More importantly, what was it? It hardly sounded like a pleasant place to live. [Color=ivory]"It's in between Kalgrun and the large continent to the south. It's a lovely place, a paradise really. Orvus has built much there."[/color] she said joyously. “I’ll think about it,” he responded. “I’d prefer to go my own way, for a time.” There was a brief moment where Arya looked sad, but it quickly disappeared with a smile as she gave him a small nod of her head. [Color=ivory]"I can respect that."[/color] she said twirling, [color=ivory]"Then I hope our paths cross again."[/color] “So do I,” Karamir nodded. [Color=ivory]"Be careful out there."[/color] she said, once again pressing her body against his as the song ended. She then pulled away and dropped his hands. [Color=ivory]"It was nice meeting you, Karamir."[/color] As the music slowly faded, another clash of instruments took its place. The dancers surrounding the pair once again bobbed into the musical rhythm, a clash of brass urging them into a quick paced waltz. [Color=ivory]"Perhaps not."[/color] Arya murmured, looking around before grabbing Karamir again and helping him with the waltz. Karamir went along with it, but was clearly thrown off by the sudden change in tune. The music waltz with them, dying just low enough for pleasant conversation while still being able to enjoy the music. A soft cello whispered against a lone trumpet, a set of wind following shortly behind. Karamir glanced at the sound, but looking over Arya’s shoulder all he saw was the ghostly instruments and an empty throne. [Color=ivory]"Just dance with me some more."[/color] Arya said unperturbed by the change. [Color=ivory]"We dance until the music stops. So tell me, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?"[/color] “Find answers,” Karamir told her. “How the world was created, why it was created, who the gods are, where they came from, why they created the things they did…” She looked at him with a soft expression, her eyes lighting up as she listened. [Color=ivory]"A most noble quest. But let's say you do find all the answers to your questions, what then?"[/color] Karamir thought for a moment. “Share them with others,” he decided. “See if the knowledge can be put to use in some way.” [Color=ivory]"Admirable. But know not all questions have answers and some have answers best left never to be found. If you learn everything about everything and then teach the world all that you know, there would cease to be mysteries and surprises. Life would be dull if we knew everything, Karamir. At least, that's what I think anyways."[/color] she said warmly. “Life would be just as dull if we knew nothing,” Karamir argued. “Some surprises can only be found if you look for them. And who knows? Maybe new questions will accompany the answers. Either way, I intend to learn as much as I can.” [Color=ivory]"Just don't get so caught up in your pursuits and future that you forget what lies right in front of you, Karamir. There are small surprises all around us that are ignored, and those are the best of them."[/color] Karamir nodded. “The small questions interest me as well, and I may need to answer those to get to the big ones. But really, this just gives me something to work toward while I live my life. A purpose. Or as K’nell might call it, a distraction.” He shrugged, and then a thought occurred to him. If his main goal was to learn all that he could, then wouldn’t anything that prevented him from doing so be a distraction? Not that he didn’t mind this distraction, of course, but in hindsight the God’s words seemed rather strange. [Color=ivory]"Distractions can be interpreted differently by many. Do you call this a distraction or living your life?"[/color] she asked. “Distractions occur [i]while[/i] you live your life, don’t they? So in a way, it would be both. But as far as distractions go, it’s a good one.” He smiled. [Color=ivory]"What really is a distraction other then one of life's surprises."[/color] she said happily. “Well, not all distractions are surprises, and not all surprises are good,” Karamir noted. “Though Kalmar might say that any surprise is good if you can use it to make yourself stronger or smarter. But is a distraction really a distraction if you gain something from it?” he mused. [Color=ivory]"Perhaps. Just another question you'll have to find an answer too."[/color] she said playfully with a smile. “Of course it is,” Karamir said with a roll of his eyes, while retaining a slight smirk. She giggled, then twirled again. [Color=ivory]"So, what did Kalmar teach you, if you don't mind me asking?"[/color] “How to fight, how to find food, how to make a fire… all the basics. Everything else he left for me to find out,” Karamir recalled. [Color=ivory]"I see. His teachings are necessary in the world as it is. I'm sorry that he didn't teach you more."[/color] she said softly. “I…” Karamir began, but his voice trailed off, unable to find the words. He looked away from Arya. He couldn’t help but think. Would things have turned out differently if he had simply prayed to Kalmar once during all those years? Had he been too proud and bitter? [Color=ivory]"I know that look."[/color] Arya whispered. [Color=ivory]"Karamir. Don't beat yourself up over what could have been. It does no one any good. All we can do is move on and learn from our mistakes."[/color] she squeezed his hands gently. “I understand,” he said softly. “Thank you.” Then he let go, stopped dancing, and turned to face Diana, but she wasn't there. Frowning, he went to retrieve the basket from the floor. “I’ve made my decision,” he announced aloud, assuming that either K’nell or Diana would hear him. The music got louder behind them, a sharp violin playfully plucking over the brass. It increased in speed and skill, a whirlwind of notes chambering along with the melody -- a soft grainy hum following it. Karamir turned around and there standing on the dias was a young looking K’nell, eyes closed as his arm pumped the bow of the violin at rapid speeds, inciting a clicking stream of sounds. Karamir decided he would wait for him to finish. Arya turned to the dias and stopped dancing as her eyes fell upon the younger K'nell. The look upon her face was one of surprise and so too did she wait to see what would happen. The tune took on a playful light streak as he descended the stairs one by one, his long black coat hitting an unseen breeze as he hopped from the last step. With sudden sharp jabs he made his way to Karamir, his eyes finally opening. Slowly the violin floated out from under K’nell’s chin, the bow still striking across it at a quick and punishing beat. The strings rasped as the instrument and bow bobbed away in the air, flitting around Arya in a dance. K’nell came to a sudden stop in front of Karamir. He folded his elbows square behind his back and with a white smile he tilted his head. “When would you wish to leave?” His voice threaded between the notes of the violin. “Soon,” Karamir repeated. “Where is Diana?” “I’m afraid tonight's event may have been too much for our Diana,” K’nell winked, “Alas, she does know your decision, same as me -- so fret not.” He put a finger to the tip of his nose for a moment, “You said soon, no?” “I did,” Karamir confirmed. “I just wanted to speak to her before I left.” “Impossible for the moment, I’m afraid,” K’nell tsked, “But luck is on our side, as the music still plays -- so we have time for one final dance while she gathers herself.” He held out a hand behind him, “Besides, it has been some time since I’ve seen this ward of mine.” “Alright,” Karamir nodded. [Color=ivory]"K'nell!"[/color] she exclaimed, giving a slight curtsey. [Color=ivory]"It's good to see you, it's been far too long."[/color] “I heard you had left my Kingdom, but I didn't have the chance to see you go,” K’nell turned to Arya completely, “Have you been enjoying your dreams?” [Color=ivory]"Sweet as always, though I must ask… Ava and Lily have nightmares from time to time. Why is this?"[/color] she wondered. “Have they caused you any distress, my dear?” K’nell slipped around Arya, as if inspecting her. His eyes flicked up from her dress and he smiled, “Had they ruined the dress you had been gifted from my wardrobe?” [Color=ivory]"Well… No and no. The dress is fine, I simply wanted to try something else tonight."[/color] she said standing a little straighter. “A marvelous choice,” K’nell mused, “I’m sure your company is not a slight bit disgraced by your savvy.” He turned his head as to include Karamir in the conversation, “But these nightmares, they are concerning to you, no? I admit the simple answer is nature. They have young minds afrollick with all sorts of conundrums and concerns, of course -- a literal storm of thought on this side of reality, you see. They are making sense of what is what, but should you find their little hearts too fragile and your compassion a little swollen, try a warm drink before bed, yes?” Arya scrunched her nose and furrowed her brow before relaxing slightly. [Color=ivory]"If you say so."[/color] “A-tut!” K’nell scorned himself, “I can hear it in your voice that this answer will simply not do -- shall we take a walk, then?” [Color=ivory]"Well, okay. We haven't walked for awhile."[/color] Arya said at last, glancing at Karamir. K’nell turned his head to the man, “Fancy joining us?” Karamir glanced back and forth between the two. “Alright,” he said after a moment, stepping forward. “Very good,” K’nell held out his elbow to Arya and she looped her arm in his. The gentleman took soft steps towards the golden door, the music fading away in the background as they approached. A stream of weavers spun into existence before them, eagerly opening the door for their Lord. K’nell tipped his head briefly as he walked through the door. Time seemed to wave as they all took their first steps onto a smooth cobblestone pathway instead of the hallway -- the Palace far in the distance behind them, the backdrop of the glittering void covering the sky. The sound of fountains and tiny song birds tittered and filled the air, accompanied by the woosh of the small orchard tree leaves. “Ava and Lily,” K’nell thought out loud, “Two of my very earliest creations, those two.” [Color=ivory]"So I've heard. They are sweet girls, with big hearts. They'll grow up well."[/color] Arya said, looking around at all the sights. “Of that, I have no doubt,” K’nell agreed, “If I may, how often do they have nightmares?” [color=ivory]”Some nights, not very often. I was just concerned. I’ve never seen other mortals have nightmares. I mean… I’ve never even had a nightmare. I was just curious as to why the exist, now, after all this time.”[/color] she mused. “I see your thought process,” K’nell nodded his head and closed his eyes, “Arya, you have never in my memory displeased me or shown that you were anything but clever -- so I wonder, why do you think they exist?” [color=ivory]”I’ve put a bit of thought into it, yes. I believe this question has already been answered though, or at least confirmed. You said it yourself, it is only natural. I had thought it had something to do with balance after all. We can’t always have pleasant dreams, I suppose, even if that would be ideal. I would have asked sooner about it, but I didn’t really notice until we left Tendlepog. I wonder if… Well, I’ll have to ask her when I wake up.”[/color] her mouth turned to a straight line, and she looked back at Karamir, before turning to look ahead. “A thoughtful explanation,” K’nell looked up to the void sky, “But why now, then? Why not at creation itself -- why did I wait? Well let me answer that for you and then after I do, let me gift you some comfort for future dealings with such strange things as nightmares.” He gently unlatched his arm and reached forward, an easel jumping from the cobblestones. With the sudden flick of a brush, he had slapped together a quick painting of a dark and brooding mountains, “Ah, so let me start at the base of this question -- through our lives we gather experiences, no?” He looked over at Karamir and then Arya, a wink on his left eye, “Some great, some not so much.” He frowned. “Those pesky negatives again,” He mused, “And as we sleep our subconscious decides it is time to deal with such matters our conscious intellect has disregarded as small or tedious -- the very crumbs that make up our mountains here.” He slapped a thick spattering of white paint over the mountains, “So here we have our pleasant dreams, a sweet reprise from this mountain of madness -- oh so sweet. And if you’re anything like me, also a great tool for learning without potential physical harm -- but I digress.” He paused and slowly the darkness began to bleed through the white pain, “And there we have our problem,” He spoke again, “As our world becomes increasingly complex, so does our psyche -- and once when a simple coat of paint was enough to hide an anthill, it won’t do for a mountain. Some days, this mountain is really dark, and if we ignore it -- our waking life and future will be affected by its negative attributes. Do not think of these nightmares as punishment, or even harsh hells or purgatories, but as a different outlet to use in your learning. Your mind needs to dump somewhere, and if you cannot organize it while awake, I’m afraid it will bleed into the night. The diligent weavers of this palace do their best to extract this terribleness each night in an appropriate dream, be it nightmarish or nice.” K’nell cleared his throat and the easel disappeared, “Another use of the dream among the rest, you see. With a snap of my fingers I can erase nightmares from Ava and Lily’s sleep for the rest of their lives, but I cannot bring myself to do such a thing just yet. I trust them, I have faith in them, that they will come to terms with their own minds as they grow, and that someday they will have no need for a nightmare.” K’nell smiled at nothing, “They are smart and wise.... But I am not without a soft spot in my heart.” He turned to Arya and his smile turned serious, “Should you find it too much, or should they -- I promise to you, a warm drink, and they will only find a pleasant reprise on the other side of reality that night.” [color=ivory]”That… That makes sense.”[/color] Arya stared, before looking at K’nell again. [color=ivory]”Thank you, K’nell.”[/color] she smiled sweetly. “But of course, my dear,” K’nell flashed his cheshire grin. “And what about me?” Karamir asked quietly. “In your eyes, where do I stand in all this?” “Are you referring to your spat with Diana?” K’nell flickered his eyes over to Karamir, his voice gentle, “Or well, more than a spat, unfortunately.” “Only nightmares for five decades,” Karamir pointed out. “I don’t believe that’s normal. Do other creatures get the same treatment? If not, that would make me an exception. Why does Diana only cause nightmares?” Arya’s eyes went wide at Karamir’s account and a sad look crossed her face, but she said nothing. “It isn’t normal, save for one unlucky dragon who also crossed her path,” K’nell raised his brows, “I will gladly answer your questions, but first if you could indulge one of mine?” “What’s the question?” Karamir asked. “What did you feel upon waking from your first nightmare?” K’nell knitted his brows,and gave his full attention to Karamir. “I…” he tried to think. It was so long ago. They had been on the umbrella, she had pulled out the orb, and when he woke up he had… thanked her? “I felt refreshed, I suppose.” “If I may,” K’nell lightly tapped Karamir’s shoulder, the exact same wave of euphoria he had felt upon realizing he was alive and well so long ago suddenly crashed through the man’s body. It felt cool, as if it had protecting him from the peeling sun, and hydrated, as if it had pumped back what the dryness had been stolen from him. He felt the silk of his skin released under the crust of salt, and furthermore he felt relief -- he felt amazing. He stumbled backward, the sensation catching him off guard, and breathed heavily. He was at a loss for words. “Once you figure out that basket of yours, I doubt you’ll have another nightmare for the rest of your life... or at least I hope,” K’nell mentioned idly, as if glossing over the reaction, “But you have quite the journey ahead of you -- oh!” The god smiled, “I never answered your question... Diana is a contrast, a being of difference and nightmares in the land of dreams. She didn’t hurt you intentionally, or well she did, but she didn’t [i]usually[/i] mean it in a malicious way. She was birthed from perfection, and the only way she really knows how to portray perfection is by colouring in everything around it. Genuinely, she thought you were her friend.” “What does she think now?” he asked, suddenly feeling a twinge of guilt. “Who can tell?” K’nell asked out loud, “Such a spark is gentle and tiny in the mind; it’s very hard to trace in a being as vast-minded as Diana. It only makes sense, considering her relation to myself and her trace of divinity.” K’nell paused, “Knowing that, I wouldn’t give it too much worry -- though she’d certainly like that.” [color=ivory]”What a fate to have lived through.”[/color] Arya mumbled under her breath as she looked at Karamir. Karamir offered a weary shrug in response. “It is what it is. It brought me here, and now it is time to move on. I would like to speak to her before I go, though.” “And you will,” K’nell offered, “I would mention that the choice is yours, but in this case -- it just so happens to be a shared choice.” “What do you mean?” “It is Diana’s choice to see you before you leave, just as much as it is yours to see her before you leave,” K’nell explained. “I see…” was all Karamir said to that. Had his decision truly affected her to the point where she might not even speak to him? [Color=ivory]"I wouldn't force it, Karamir. If she wants to see you, then she will."[/color] Arya said while looking back at him. “I’m not trying to force anything,” he corrected. “I just wanted to know what she has chosen.” She gave him a nod of approval, then looked away and back at K'nell. [Color=ivory]"I should probably wake up, Wreanon will get angry if I sleep in again. There's never pleasing that sword."[/color] she sighed happily. She then looked back at Karamir, [color=ivory]"We will meet again, Karamir. Upon Galbat next. Until then, look after yourself."[/color] she then beamed a warm smile at him. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about time," K'nell idled with a cheshire grin, "You should know that it moves differently on each side of reality." He cleared his throat, "But I won't keep you, have a pleasant day... Although, visit me again soon. The world is changing and I wish to depart some information into your care at a future date." K'nell's heavy words floated on a light conversational tone. With a classic smile, he snapped his fingers and the woman seemed to disappear from existence altogether. K'nell turned on his heel to face Karamir, "And what shall happen now?" Karamir did a quick scan of his surroundings. “I suppose I might as well get going,” he said reluctantly. "You're more than welcome to wait a while," K'nell offered. Karamir nodded. “Alright.” K'nell seemed to stifle a grin, "If you don't mind me asking -- what's on your mind, Karamir?" Karamir quirked his head. “What do you mean?” "I beg your pardon. I meant, what are you thinking about," K'nell clarified. “Well it seems wrong to leave without speaking to her,” Karamir began. “She did bring me here, and she did set up that ball, so I do owe her some thanks. I’d also prefer to explain my decision to her in person.” "Understandable if I must say, though I do have one correction," K'nell folded his elbows square behind his back, "It was I who set up the ball." He waved a hand, "Semantics, though. I can respect your desire to talk to her, and so I hope she feels the same." “If you set up the ball, why did she take credit?” Karamir asked. "Ah, I misspoke -- we set up the ball, is a more correct statement," K'nell tsk'd himself, "Do you wish to be alone with your thoughts or is there any question I could relieve from your mind?" Karamir nodded. “Yes. Thank you for your role in setting it up, but you didn’t seem willing when I first asked to meet her. What changed your mind?” "Nothing," K'nell answered with a shrugging smirk, "I always intended for it to happen, just at a different angle than you were expecting. I'm afraid face value is hardly a currency on this side of reality." “I see. I have no other questions,” Karamir decided. "So there truly is a first time for everything," Diana mused from behind the two. K'nell swiveled slowly on his heel, while Karamir tensed visibly. "Ah, very good." Was all K’nell managed to say. Karamir turned to face her, but found himself unsure of what to say. Perhaps it would be best if he let her speak first? Diana stared at Karamir for a moment before frowning, "Ah, nothing to say -- this truly is a day for firsts." K'nell looked about, "Would you two care for some privacy?" Karamir nodded and with a sudden flash, K'nell was gone -- leaving him along with Diana. The avatar crossed her arms and raised both of her eyebrows in a high arch. “Thank you for your role in setting up that encounter,” Karamir told her. "It lost me a bet," Diana closed her eyes nonchalantly, "So much good that was, if I had to talk about it." “A bet?” Karamir raised his eyebrows. “You and K’nell had a bet on whether or not I would stay?” "No," Diana cackled, "How boring. I always knew you'd leave." “Then what was the bet?” “It doesn’t really matter now, you’re leaving and this place won’t be much more than a spark in the night to you,” Diana crossed her arms. “Well, I do still need to sleep. And you yourself said you won’t stay cooped up here forever. It’s not like our paths can never cross again,” Karamir pointed out. “I know,” Diana looked down from her nose, “Was there anything else, or are you ready to leave?” “So if you knew I was going to leave, do you understand why?” “To think, the simpleton whose questions I spent the last fifty years answering is asking me if I understand,” Diana made a face, “I have an itch that what you are looking for in this conversation, you’re not going to find.” Karamir shrugged at that. “Goodbye, Diana,” he said, and then his voice softened. “For what it’s worth, I am sorry.” “I’m sure you are,” Diana’s frown flicked into a gritting smile. With a flick of her wrist, a door of white light appeared off to the side, “Take your leave as you see fit.” With a two second stare, she finally turned on her heel and began to walk down the path back towards the palace. Karamir stared at her as she left, and then his gaze shifted toward the door. His decision had been made, for better or for worse. He could not let any lingering feelings of guilt or regret change that. The departure didn’t go quite as he had hoped, but he should have known better. With a sigh, he stepped through. [hr] Heliopolis peaked past the ring of trees that surrounded the gateway to Limbo. Evening birds chirped wildly, and cloudlings popped around the flowers that erupted from the ring of vegetation. Karamir’s eyes slowly adjusted to the light, himself splayed on his back, the heat of the blackstone warming him gently. There was a loud bestial snort, his peripheral’s noticing a large black horse, with a man dressed in thorns on top. A voice not unlike a grinding stone rang from the helmet, “You lay on holy ground, I am to escort you out of his Lord’s forests.” A distinct smell of wet soil followed the commanding voice. Before Karamir could respond, he saw movement in the corner of his eye. A strange bird fluttered up onto a nearby tree branch; brown feathers speckled with red, with beak and talons that were an unusual shade of yellow. It set its gaze on the Warden. The Warden followed Karamir’s gave and let out a disappointed grunt, “The Avatar of Kalmar approaches Limbo without invitation?” Karamir was taken aback. An avatar of… Kalmar? Like what Diana was to K’nell? [color=brown]”I can escort him out,”[/color] the bird stated. “I can escort you both out,” The Warden pulled on his reins, “If you’d follow me...” His voice trailed, tinged with frustration. With a sigh, the bird extended its wings and flew past the Warden, coming to a stop in front of Karamir, floating in the air. Karamir stared back at it in confusion, taking an involuntary step back, only for the bird to come forward and press the tips of its wings against the side of his head. Suddenly, Karamir felt power flow into him. He grew taller, the dark circles under his eyes vanished, his muscles seemed to expand, and his energy felt not only replenished, but greatly expanded. “What did…” he began to ask, but the bird had already turned away to face the Warden. [color=brown]”Lead on, then.”[/color] [hr] [hider=Post Summary] Karamir walks back into the Palace where he meets Diana, who invites him to a ball that she and K’nell had prepared. Karamir goes, and he meets Arya. She teaches him how to dance, and they end up getting along. They share some details about their lives and their pasts. Karamir realizes he is enjoying himself. At some point during the conversation Karamir finally makes up his mind about whether or not he wants to stay at the Palace: he wishes to leave. He turns to inform Diana, but she is gone. K’nell arrives, and the three go for a walk. Arya reveals that Ava and Lily have been having bad dreams, so K’nell explains the nature of nightmares to her. Karamir asks some questions about Diana, which K’nell answers. Arya wakes up, leaving the Palace. Diana shows up again, and K’nell gives them some privacy. Karamir thanks her for the ball, wants to know if she understands his reasoning for leaving, and apologizes. Diana comes across as her usual inconsiderate self, and conjures a doorway for him to leave. Karamir appears in the forest of Tendlepog, with the Warden ready to escort him out. However, Arryn then appears and claims that won’t be necessary, much to the Warden’s annoyance. The Warden insists on escorting them both. Arryn decides to allow it, but not before making Karamir a hero. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] Kalmar: 2MP to make Karamir a hero. Ending MP: 5 Ending FP: 8 [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary 1] Arya: The Learner, The Martial Dancer, The Compassionate, The Wanderer, The Teacher, The Sailor, Last of the Zhengwu +31 Prestige Starting +1 For Major Role +1 For Minor Role +1 For Jolly Collaboration = +34 Prestige Ending [hider=Abilities/Skills Learned] +6 Prestige on Fighting +6 Prestige on Dancing +6 Prestige on Martial Dancing. +1FP for flight. +2FP for ‘evil eyes’ ability. Causes nightmares to those that distress Arya. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary 2 (spoilers)] Karamir. Beginning Prestige: 0 +1 for Minor Role. +1 for Major Role. +1 for Collab. Ending Prestige: 3 [/hider] [hider=bloops] “I should write a pamphlet -- no... a brochure on emotional and intellectual consent one of these days,” K’nell mentioned idly, “This isn’t the first time I’ve had to explain this, and I really doubt it’ll be the last. Did you know that every dream you acquire is private between myself, the palace and you? No other god may look at it, nor any creature below.” [/hider]