[@Rabidporcupine][@OwO][@Hammerman][@ERode][@The Irish Tree][@Lugubrious][@Rune_Alchemist] Few things. 1: 1st post is up. Durrr. 2: The 1st post in the character tab is now a NPC bestiary. Info will get updated as it becomes relevant, but basically, if it appears one time, it goes in there, no matter how minor. I might sort it at a later date if it fills up by a lot, though. 3: I honestly don't want to throw you guys into the thick of things right away and still prefer using the first few rounds of posting to set up some characters and the world first, but I still managed to think of two events that helped me do so for now. If any of you want a third option, though, just tell me about it and I'll think of something. Just mention what you're looking for if your character wouldn't interfere with any of this / you think two's too little for 6 character pairs. Either way, Apologies if it doesn't live up to expectations, fellows. I just didn't want to hold you guys up because of my own incompetence. EDIT: Oh, and if you don't like the rep your character has and think they would have something else going on around them, tell me that too. I just went with what I personally thought would make some amount of sense, but if y'all disagree just tell me what you want me to swap it out with.