[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmQxMzM5My5WMlZzWTI5dFpTQkhZVzFsY25NLC4w/stanwick.caligraphy.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/88982f125c1cf966c292fc960232c620/tumblr_nhil1vQRgc1s60yyoo1_500.gif[/img] Kingdom Hearts has been remade into one of the biggest Virtual Reality RPG Games out there. The creators had updated each game to become one fit for personal experience where the main character was an avatar created by the gamer themselves! However, It seems these games had turned into one of pure chaos, along the nation reports have come in that people weren’t able to leave the game, trapped in their gear and left in a coma. It seems a nation wide virus rests within the game making it near impossible to remove the gaming gear from anothers head. For those trapped within the game it is each two people in their own game, One with a heart of Light and the other with a heart of Darkness. Now these gamers must successfully complete the game before they can leave the world of Kingdom Hearts but so far it seems no one has been successful in doing so. Can you be the one to break free of the game? Will you manage to keep you randomized partner alive as well? [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjFmZmY1OS5VMlZzWldOMElGbHZkWElnUjJGdFpUbywuMA,,/amandella-script.amandella-script.png[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/6/68/Kingdom_Hearts_logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20180108194524[/img] [img]https://www.khwiki.com/images/thumb/8/86/Kingdom_Hearts_II_Logo_KHII.png/300px-Kingdom_Hearts_II_Logo_KHII.png[/img] [img]https://www.kingdomhearts.com/img/game_logos/kingdom-hearts-3-logo.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjRmMDBhZC5VbVZuZFd4aGRHbHZibk02LjE,/waltograph.regular.png[/img] 1. This is an advanced roleplay with multiple paragraphs per reply, please provide at least 3 paragraphs when replying. 2. This is a more long term based roleplay, we will follow through the plotline of the game you choose to roleplay in. Our characters will not die in real life if they die in the game, however if the character dies during their time throughout the world they might currently be in, then they will have to start the entire world over again. This is like a Kingdom Hearts meets Sword Art Online type vibe!~ 3. These roleplays are up for anything including Gore, Angst, Smut, etc. One will have the title of Light while the other the title of Dark, one will need the other to survive within the game of kingdom hearts. 4. These roleplays can take place in either Pm or in a thread, whichever you’d prefer! I do ask that you be patient with me of some days i might not be on to get a reply while others i can reply multiple times in a day. 5. The three games this roleplay will be based around are the first, second and the newest one, the third. This is just to keep things simple, if you only wish to roleplay one of the games that’s completely fine, however if you wish to have this whole full experience and a long term roleplay, then we may to all three in order! 6. The only difference in the Kingdom Hearts game that is notable for this roleplay is the fact that basically our Oc will be in the place of Sora/Riku, we will have to go through the similar events like the game and face the same boss battles however we CAN add our twist on things, maybe put something in that wasn’t properly added in the real game or even have an even more intense moment. By the way, if one character dies during a world then BOTH characters are sent back to the beginning of the world they died in. This is to help add drama and conflict for our characters!! 7. This is all made for fun so I hope this catches other peoples interest, these are all 1x1 roleplays so it’ll just be me and you doing a single roleplay no group roleplays! I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to roleplaying with you all! I accept MxF, FxF and MxM! [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/fbd81717d0c41a10c8150e75c1a2bccc/tumblr_n4z1lzylbl1tvta3bo1_250.gif[/img][/center]