Meesei was now seeing where Lunise was going with this little excursion, but nevertheless, she decided to oblige her request. Meesei charged her spell and gave her magic its near-physical form, creating the dispelling chain in one hand and allowing it to hang down close to the ground. Right away, the spell caused some visible surprise from the Orc and both of the Altmer, though perhaps not for the same reasons as Lunise was intending. "My word, I had heard the rumors, but to see it for myself..." The Orc began. She observed Meesei's spell, though looked even more closely at Meesei's werewolf form. "I've read Sage Nytala's dissertation on lycanthropy. The amount of mental barriers and very real magical barriers one would have to overcome to be able to channel magicka with such an entropic spirit bound into your mind...Nytala has not even come close to determining how you achieved that. You know, there could be quite a few benefits, even to non-lycans, to learning from your methodology. Nytala has theorized that your techniques could help improve some of our meditative techniques, which in turn could allow us to..." The Psijic's academic curiosity, it appeared, had gotten the best of her. She had strayed away from Lunise's request, and did not look like she was going to be stopping on her own for some time.