[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JCyonbP.png[/img][/center] [color=00FA9A][center][h3]Evangeline Lindall[/h3][/center][/color] Eva looked amazed at Mr. Teethapus. [color=00fa9a]Oh, my! He is adorable! Is he a toy or is he alive?! Either way he's adorable! I want one!"[/color] She stated, hopping up out of her seat and looping an arm around Baily's. [color=00fa9a]"Can I touch him?"[/color] She asked. Floofel brought Odhra's Raspberry Tea over to him, [b]"Enjoy."[/b] She told the boy with a smile. Because of her predisposition to eatting sugar and sugar-filled foods, she put a single spoonful of sugar in Odhra's tea... But she didn't tell him. [b]"That said, if you are sleeping with Miss Eva's sister, I think no less of you."[/b] She added before a strange person walked in. Floofel of course recognized it was Max and asked him what sort of tea he wanted. [b]"Black? Understood."[/b] And she went about readying it. Eva looked up to Max as he entered and gave a bit of squinted look to see what his "special" commission was. The girl let go of Baily's arm gently as she walked over. [color=00FA9A]"What is... Is this... LOOK!! IT'S A PILLOW WITH FLOOFEL ON IT! AND THIS IS BAILEY!! SIOBAHN!"[/color] Evangeline exclaimed, grabbing them all up. [color=00FA9A]"They're all mine!"[/color] She exclaimed.