This is another camp half blood rp and you may be like well there is already a ton of camp half blood rps what makes his one different well for one it's post lost hero's of Olympus and post trials of Apollo so yes Jason is dead Leo is dating calypso and Apollo is a God again. The premise is you are a new student not yet claimed by your godly parent and you have just arrived in camp half blood now here is the introduction video welcome to the mythical world of us Greek gods now you may be confused but I assure you it will get better your cabin mates will have your back most of the time and you will learn our fun activities such as capture the flag, archery, sword fighting and much more I hope you enjoy your time here and remember don't go out after dark as the harpies may eat you.( I will show the main problem if people are interested) Rules: 1. Please respect my wishes (if you don't agree with something tell me your point and I will think about it ) 2.if you decide for your character to be a child of the big three tone them down I know that they're uber powerful but remember your character just found out they are a demigod they are not a super cool stud...yet 3. you can be edgy but not too edgy if you get my drift Cs sheet Name Age(14-17) Appearance Godly parent Powers Bio Other