Name:Garrett Jansen Age:29 Gender:Male Nationality:South African Tent:A Specialty: Highly Disciplined, and well trained: Garrett had a pretty extensive service record with the South African military, and South African Special forces brigade. His discipline is top notch. He'll follow orders to the letter, and won't shy away from the worse things his superiors ask of him. He's never afraid to get his hands dirty. His training is on par with that of others in his regiment he's even earned some operator badges on his old uniform. Airborne: The SADF SF 001 brigade are made for airborne operations. HALO, combat drops, helo insertion. You name it if it flies he can jump out of it, and probably land it as well if need-be. Reason for Joining The Sundown Company: Adventure, wanting to see more of the world. Personality: Garrett is nothing but professional. He does his job, and always tries to 100 percent go beyond client, and officer expectations. So he is very much a crowd-pleaser as well, but he absolutely hates being shown up. He's gotta be the best no matter what he's doing. Outside of work, and training. He still tries his hardest to please people, and try to make friends. But his attitude sometimes rubs the more hardened killers the wrong way due to his overt friendliness. Appearance:[hider=Garrett][img][/img][/hider] History:Garret lived a pretty happy life in South Africa. The oldest boy of three, His family never had to struggle for much, and if anything they had an abundance of what they wanted. But still he very much grew up in a time where racism, and xenophobia were still present in South Africa, and although not as violent after Mandela. It was still very much a part of his life, where it was common for people in his family to look down on others. But that never became a part of who he was, he was friendly to everyone, and anyone he met. Despite the warning his family used to give about their perceived "Lessers" And despite what people called him for being friendly to others. As he grew into a young man despite having anything, and everything he can possibly want he decided to spite his family, and join the SADF. This shocked his family, and caused a schism between him, and his parents. They just could not see why their oldest child would want to join the military, and give up his posh life. They fought for days, and eventually settled on never speaking again. And to this day he still hopes every letter he gets is one from his parents. Saying they forgave him, and accept what he wants. Or that they were wrong, but it never comes. His training in the SADF was brutal, but he still preformed admirably his superiors said he never disobeyed an instructors orders no matter how cruel. Run until you puke? He did it until his stomach was empty, Push ups until your arms give out? He did that, then kept trying despite them. This coupled with just a knack for soldiering made him an amazing recruit, and guaranteed that his superiors would be watching his career in the future. After his training, he did the usual SADF stuff. Help quell some of the worse riots, help deal with rebels. The usual for them. But the exemplary way he handled him made his unit CO request for him to go through SF training. If he thought SADF was bad, SF training was hell on earth. Grueling exercises, tough scenarios, no sleep, falling out of perfectly good airplanes. But he once again tried to out preform. So he made it worse on himself, and managed to rub some of his fellow trainees the wrong way as well. When he was told he was one of the very few to make it through the training, and they handed him his first assignment his true calling began. Six years he spent with SASF. Six long years. Mission to mission. Quelling rebels, terrorists, and other scum. Following orders to the letter, no matter how brutal. A total difference from his friendliness off the field. Torture, long range shooting, being pointman on a breach. He never said no to anything from his superiors. But still he felt something was missing. He had never left South Africa, and he had a desire to see the world. So he asked around if there was a way to do it, and still do what he loved. That's when one of his officers slipped him the brochure for Camp Sunshine, telling him. "I know a guy there, and you can always learn new skills from them. But you can also show em how we do it down here, while getting to see more of wide world. Go get em eh?" The two shook hands, and when his contract was up he made the proper arrangements, flew out there, and then met with the camp contact who took him the rest of the way. To begin a new chapter in his life, a new area of training.