[color=#ffff66][center][h3][b] Lynx?! [/b][/h3][/center][/color][hr] [color=#ffff66][i]The inability to feel pain?[/i][/color] Lynx thought, interested. The urge to pelt her into a wall rose within him now that it wouldn't technically be hurting her, though his brain reminded him that it would look uncivilized. If anyone asked however, he would explain to them that he was a gentleman incapable of harming women, or something like that. It was both ironic and concerning to him just how similar that thought sounded to Octavio's usual plans, but luckily none of the people in their group were mind readers. He walked with them just out of their sight, hugging any corners that were available to further shroud himself, taking the occasional self-indulgent and unnecessary leap whenever no one was looking. Being constrained to a beast's body had its advantages. His quiet footsteps came to a halt as he turned to face everyone present now that they were still. It was best to get this over with now that he had shattered his silence. [color=#ffff66]"I apologize for not having formally introduced myself to this party. I am Lynx, travelling partner to Octavio."[/color] There was an undeniably regal air to his posture and appearance, and despite his recent outburst he managed to convey a tone of masculinity and serenity. The filth and decay of the world around them contrasted with his earnest attempt at introducing himself however, rendering his hard work pointless. Anyone not familiar with him would have probably perceived him as some sort of overgrown street vermin. Octavio wore an odd look on his face. [color=dde0c7][i]My travelling partner? Weren’t you my familiar?[/i][/color] The human smirked for a moment. [color=#ffff66][i]Silence,[/i][/color] he responded. [color=#ffff66]"Despite my feline appearance, I am an individual of distinguished origin and would prefer to be treated as an equal on this journey."[/color] The words emanated from within him without the need for moving his mouth. After this odd introduction, a brief period of silence enveloped their conversation. If it were possible for a lynx to awkwardly cough, he would've done it now. Sensing that they were expecting more out of him, he finally spoke once more. [color=#ffff66]"And no Sil, you may not play with my tail,”[/color] he finally muttered. At least she had now learned what animal he was. Octavio’s attention was split between watching his only friend embarrass himself like an arrogant boy on his first day of school and Ferris explaining his affinity to the Crazed. The latter was important, but the former was just too entertaining to ignore. [color=#dde0c7]”Being a smidge paranoid about anything is a good thing if you find yourself stumbling into strange places often,” [/color]he remarked, a bit absent-mindedly.