[right][h3]Eyri Pharliis - Senate Building, Offices of Senator Pharliis [/h3][/right] [hr] Eyri would be lying if she had told someone she'd been keeping track of the time. Her staff sent home, her office quiet and peaceful, Senator Pharliis sat at her desk. A cold drink that had once been warmed, a snack that was going stale; holomaps of Pantora and datapads recording the population, refugee figures, any piece of info that Eyri needed to figure out this bill, she had. [i]Please don't overwork yourself, Eyri.[/i] Iri's words before departing that night rang in Eyri's head. Her advisor also happened to be her closest friend, a childhood friend, and for that Eyri was thankful. Iri had been a figure of constant support, almost like a sister to Eyri. She fondly remembered days where they'd go running through the square, chasing leaves in the wind or bathing in the sun as they lay in the grass. Eyri couldn't help the soft smile that grew on her face as memories washed over her. She and Iri hardly had time to themselves anymore. They were still the closest of friends, but sometimes Eyri wished they could spend time together again, just like in their childhood. One of the few datapads Eyri had scattering her large modern desk lit up. Glancing over at it, a message from Iri. [i]I need to discuss something with you. Tomorrow morning.[/i] Eyri found herself frowning a little, as communication between them was usually less professional and more relaxed, as friends would be. [i]Of course. Meet me in my office, okay?[/i] Eyri replied quickly, the datapad sending the message instantly back. Eyri began to clean up her office, putting the unused datapads away, dimming the lights and fixing small things that had been bumped and shifted throughout the busy day. She looked one last time at the datapad she had used to communicate with Iri. No reply. "I suppose I'll take that as a yes." Eyri said to herself. Putting the last datapad away, the Pantoran senator dimmed the remaining lights and exited her office. Tomorrow would be another busy day.