Meesei listened closely as they headed inside and started making their way down back towards their room. While he had heard the words Lunise had been speaking for the past day, she realized she had been ignoring, or at least dismissing any of her meaning. The least she could do now was to listen with an attentive ear. Initially, Meesei's response might not have been encouraging. As they were heading down the stairs, Meesei hesitated to answer. Although, she was mostly having difficulty finding the words to express what she wanted to say. It was not until they had made their way back into their room that Meesei gave a definitive, unmistakable answer. She threw her arms around Lunise and pulled her, rather suddenly, into a tight hug. Given the difference in size between them, Lunise was essentially enveloped in muscle and fur. "I do not think I can really overstate how much I appreciate you, dear. Even when I am being an undeserving, stubborn cloaca, you just do not give up. You are too good for me." Meesei released her grip on Lunise and took a step back. Once again, she cast a dispelling chain even more intense than the last. "You are right, and I know you're right. There is no way I can reasonably deny it without just making excuses. I learned Teroiah's spell over the course of minutes. An inefficient version, granted, but still. This was [i]her[/i] spell. No Argonian has ever cast this before me, and no divine intervention helped me do it. This werewolf form...I have mastered it in a way no Argonian ever has. If I was smart enough to listen to you, I would have realized yesterday that I am more than these...memories."