Abraham Nietos -------- Str: +4 Dex: 0 Con: +6 Int: +5 Wis: +5 Cha: 0 HP: 14 -------- Age: 33 Gender: M Bio: Abraham Nietos, often simply referred to by Abe by most who know him, was born in Los Angeles, and his father immediately left him with an unemployed, drug-addict mother, and he spent most of his early life below the poverty line. However, at the age of 9, his mother was arrested due to possession of drugs and several other charges. He was sent to a foster home, where he was brought up decently well, though he still bears the scars of his early childhood on his body and mind. He got onto the right course, though, and began education quite late. He was a star at engineering, especially mechanical engineering. He later joined the Army Corps of Engineers, right out of high school, and was selected by his commander to join the I.S.S. Alpha mission due to his outstanding abilities to do what needs done and improvise when all seems lost. Appearance: Abraham is a 5'5 brown male, with short black hair and brown eyes. He's heavily muscular, from years of military work and wrench-swinging. He's heavily scarred, especially on his forearms and the backs of his calves, from close encounters in combat. He has a sort of analytical look to his eyes, though, as if when he looks at a piece of machinery he's thinking about how best to break it down and reassemble it to be better, faster, stronger. Class: Engineer -------- Equipment: Toolbox (x1), repair kit (x5), Maintenance flashlight (x1). AA battery (x4). lv 3 Engineering-card (x1). lv 2 Key-card (x1) Using: Engineer suit, Engineer gloves, Engineer leggings, Engineer boots, Engineer helmet. --------