[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/54/7a/60/547a6026a04a544069e9ca8788cbc9ab.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmNkYzMwNC5WR2hsSUZScGNITjVJRlJ5YjI5a2IyNCwuMAAAAAAA/trinigan-fg.regular.png[/img][/center] The general din of the inn had settled a little as people’s adrenaline highs wore off and the alcohol and the warmth started settling in their bones. People chatted much more pleasantly, a pleased buzz running through the room, and Anu was chatting with Drash but turned around when he gave a nod and a wave at the newcomer’s entrance. The girl beamed and made her way over. [color=ADEF0A]“Welcome to the Tipsy Troodon.”[/color] Anu said cheerfully. [color=ADEF0A]”You lookin’ for a meal, a room, or both? We got a seat open at the counter if you’d like.”[/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjUwYzIwYS5VbVZzYVhGMWFXRSwuMAAA/zamrud-khatulistiwa.regular.png[/img][/center] The town was still quiet, most of its NPCs turned in for the night. A few guards patrolled the area, throwing wary looks at the new adventurers but otherwise leaving them alone so long as they weren’t too rowdy. The clouds had mostly disappeared by now and a full moon and a black sea of stars shone down on Reliquia. Here in the dark of the forests, the entire sky was flooded with speckles of light. Approaching the bridge that spanned the mouth of the river as it deposited into the delta, Aura would see another girl standing on it and muttering irritably as her fingers danced in the air. She was likely messaging someone. A closer look would show her name Whispering Willow < Last Genesis >. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmNkMDRhMy5VMmhoYldGdUozTWdTSFYwLjAAAAAA/trinigan-fg.regular.png[/img][/center] The man accepted both person’s money happily and rowed them across the delta. It was a short trip but what had originally been a small island rapidly grew into a large piece of land and the word hut was rather misleading. The circular building took up almost all of the land space, a few shamans outside staring at the sky. They made no move to greet the new arrivals as they would pass by past the animal skins that hung in the doorway. Inside, a bonfire dominated the center and its smoke curled up through a hole in the domed ceiling. Various people lounged inside, some weaving baskets, some telling stories, and a few passing around a long pipe. A hummingbird zipped past the pair that entered and shimmered, shifting into Rania who looked at them curiously. [color=Magenta] “Why have two bothrian made there way here?”[/color] The woman’s posture was calm and collected but her tone held an edge to it. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/43/58/904358b92478d63adf9511db4ecc21c9.jpg[/img][/center] [color=FAAA00]“You may need to consider refining that vision, my boy. Saying you wish to produce things of grandeur and actually creating something are two entirely different things.”[/color] Alfor proclaimed. [color=FAAA00] “But of course I shall guide you on your path! But you’ll first need an idea, a base from which your inspiration to grow and shape, to expand outside your own mind and take on a life of its own!”[/color] [center][pre] Quest Complete: A Mechanist’s Life for Me! Rewards: Mechanist Subclass 2500 EXP 2 Silver Coins Accept: Yes No [sub]Please be aware that accepting this subclass will stop you from accepting other subclass of your class[/sub][/pre][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/22/cb/15/22cb156cdb18084549c8d85dd5e9960d.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmNkYjAwNC5VMmhoYldGdUozTWdTSFYwLjAAAAAA/trinigan-fg.regular.png[/img][/center] With Cecelia’s proclamation, the group she gathered burst into the Arena behind her and the sound bounced around the vaulted ceiling. The Arena dominated the majority of the tower’s height, a large pit covered in a thin layer of sand dug a bit below sea level and tiers of seating rising almost as high as the ceiling. Hundred of cut gems glowed with near natural light, illuminating the space perfectly. There were few shadows available for those who’s magic relied on them. The NPC had no issue agreeing to hold onto their coin, procuring a small pot from somewhere in the Arena for everyone to put their coin in. 1700 Renn clinked as she carried it around after she sealed it with a wooden top and several feet of rope. She called in a few other guards, all eager to see some of the new arrivals show off their skills, and no one complained when they were asked to take positions around the arena to make sure they could catch all the bouts. [color=00FCD8]“I think I’ve already claimed this dance first.”[/color] Gauis slid right up to Cecelia, a 3 barreled steel flintlock pistol in hand and a smirk on his face. [color=00FCD8] “Let’s see if I’m as fast as lightning.”[/color] Off to the side, a woman in heavy robes and a staff leaned against the wall, waiting her turn.