Princess Annabelle noticed that Duncan had finally arrived. She returned his greeting with a nod. She looked back at Lady Norlanann as keith spoke. "Duncan, this is Lady Norlanann. She is, apparently, another suitor. If you would show her to where the suitors will be staying, that would be very much appreciated." The princess, then, resumed speaking to the female suitor in question. She nodded before she spoke, listening to what the woman had to say. "The only thing planned for the day will be supper and dessert I am afraid. Any such things as what you have spoken of shall not be until tomorrow I'm afraid." Madeline blinked. A female suitor? She frowned. Her worry and concern returned with a vengeance. She looked between her and the princess as they spoke to one another. She turned to look towards her side when Sir Duncan appeared. She turned red and looked away. She tried to calm herself. She did not know if the princess would approve of the potential match or not.