[@Hitman] probably not. I just had a hankering to play a "Big into Jesus" type character. The kind of guy who when getting trash talked pops out 6 big, silver wings and yells shit like "WHO WAS IT THAT MADE MAN?! THE DEAF, THE MUTE, THE SEEING AND THE BLIND?! WAS IT NOT HE?! NOW GO BEFORE I SMITE THEE DOWN WITH THE MOST FURIOUS AND RIGHTEOUS OF ANGERS!!!" Or kills off the bad guy by approaching him with a gun like "You have committed one of the great sins, to defy the commandments of the almighty. You said that you would kill me, that you would see this world at your feet. "The nineth of my commandments, he thus spake "Thou Shalt not bare false whiteness to thy neighbour" more commonly known as "Thou shalt not lie..."" before [url=https://youtu.be/boZamkRMCfg?t=7]emptying the magazine into his face.[/url] Anyway, have a fun RP. Maybe use that kind of character as an NPC.