“So…Gray fall,” Alister mumbled, “Never mind. At least you’re alive. And I’ve done my fair share of killing so you have nothing to be ashamed of. I have more blood on my hand than you and they were all intentional. Let’s move on I rather not linger on this any longer.” Alister turned off his computer and finished the last of the sweets before moving to his bed. “It's getting late we should get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.” He didn't bother changing and crashed on to his bed. His body felt cold but his blood was boiling. The entire day’s suddenly dawned on him filling him with tiredness. For the first time in a while, he fell asleep. Everything faded away into pain as he drifted off. [hr] The bartender nodded and set what Andrew ordered in front of him. He then gave Valeria a small glass with a blood-red liquor at the bottom. “Enjoy.” “So what do you got?”