His sleep was tormented by a pain that stemmed from his heart. Every time his heart beat, another wave of pain and dizzy wash over him. He knew this would happen when he fell asleep which was why he avoided it. Eventually, he awoke in a pool of his owns sweat. His entire body ached and his brain was pounding against his skull. Alister grabbed his bag searching for his medicine but couldn’t find it. He then remembered that it was still on the table but he had no strength to get it. “Damn this is what you get for not feeding,” Alister said haft delirious. Drake was still asleep and he didn’t want to wake him so he kept quiet and ride it out. His body was burning up with a fever but he felt cold. He closed his eye and focused on Valeria hoping she answered. ———————— “Dam their hot,” Valeria said drunk. She barely took a sip of the alcohol but she already felt drunk. Before long she passed out cold on the counter without listening to a single thing Andrew said. “My apologies sir she will come too soon,” the bartender said to Andrew.