Meesei returned Lunise's gaze. " would be." She replied, somewhat slowly. "It would be hard not to admit that it is a tempting offer. For most mages, it would be a dream to be able to practice their craft here. Perhaps I would be able to solve this problem in a few years and return home quickly...or perhaps not. More likely it seems that I would have to live this life for quite a long time. And, perhaps there is merit to that. Perhaps people like your mother have reasons for being here that are not purely selfish; something that neither of us have yet seen and that we lack the perspective to understand. But...I do know the merits of the life I live. I know what I do for my people, for my family. I know what they mean to me, and, thanks to you, I know how much I can still do for them." Meesei's muzzle soon started to show a distinctive grin, and she made a sound reasonably comparable to laughing. "And I do believe you are right, I [i]am[/i] the greatest mage to have graced the shores of Artaeum since the days of Galerion. If there is anyone in Tamriel who can do this, it is me...perhaps with the help of Ahnasha, you, Sabine, and everyone else I have come to rely on over the years. So, yes, I know I will have help, even without the aid of the Psijic Order. And I am not going to abandon them all. Besides, I have already done the impossible so many times already, what is once more?"