Dirk arched an eyebrow in Alice's direction. "I don't have any money on me," he said, using his free hand to gesture to his stupid costume. "Never thought to put pockets on this thing." An oversight, to be sure. Strangely, an issue with his lack of pockets had never popped up before. Dirk cleared his throat. "So, look, I have a favor to ask, an' it might sound really crazy, but... It's about the quarantine." Dirk looked toward Phoenix, unsure if he should wait until the other hero was gone. Dirk didn't want to include more people in this than he had to. Not that Phoenix would be interested in what Dirk had in mind, but he never knew with the hero types. He looked back toward Alice. "It don't matter why, but I need to get inside the quarantine. I can't do it by m'self, so I need some help. I know I'm a total stranger an' all, but... It's very important." He looked down at the pizza box. "And, uh, I can pay for this pizza later. I'll even buy a ton more, I promise." It was an odd offer, certainly not worth risking one's life for, but Dirk couldn't think of anything better at the moment. Dirk nodded toward Phoenix. "If you wanna help, you're welcomed to, but I can't ensure your safety. I mean, I don't exactly know what [i]you[/i] can do, Phoenix. Please don't feel an obligation to help, if that's how you roll."