Penelope sat down across from Tybalt, shifting nervously. Now that she was finally about hear what the guard captain had to say, she felt a fresh wave of worry wash over her. What if Crow was right and he actually didn't have any solution? What if he did but they wouldn't work for the viceroy just like Eldon's solutions wouldn't have worked for him? If Tybalt didn't have anything to help Crow, then she would have reached a dead end and she honestly wasn't sure there was anyone else to turn to after that. "Glad to see you could made it." Tybalt mused as he took a small sip of his wine and breaking through her clouded thoughts of worry. "Hopefully I'll be able to help you." "Hopefully." she said with a weak smile. He nodded and then paused as he glanced towards one of the servants walking past with a plate of food before looking back to Penelope. "Before we get into it, I have to ask, how often do these.. dreams, occur?" "Every night." she answered shifting her gaze away from his and stifling another yawn. She supposed the one good thing about her weariness was that it likely further sold her claims of nightmares to Tybalt. "They didn't start right when I got back from the warfront though.. It took a while. At first I thought it was just a coincidence but then they kept coming back. Always the same one too." "That's how it is." Tybalt admitted with a heavy sigh. "So you've gone through this too?" she asked curiously. The captain's gaze darkened but he nodded his head solemnly. "I have.. I prefer not to get into the details though." he grunted. He paused as two servants returned with their plates of food. Tybalt waited for them to leave before addressing Penelope again, "Instead let's focus on giving you some options that'll hopefully work." "Right.. So what can I do?" she asked, unable to keep out the eagerness from her voice before taking a bite from her food. "Well for starters, I recommend intense training and rigorous exercise. That's what helped me the most." he explained. The female knight gave him a confused look, unsure how training would possibly help with a problem that was stuck in someone's head. Tybalt seemed to notice her confusion and his stoic expression broke for a brief moment as the corner of his lip twitched upward into a slight smirk. "My theory is that if you tire the body the mind will follow. When I was having my..dreams, I put all my focus into my training in order to distract myself when it started to affect more than just my mornings. Once I did, I noticed the frequency of my dreams take a dip. Plus they seemed not as vivid as before. More like how dreams should be." Penelope's eyes gleamed at the explanation. This was exactly the type of answer she had been hoping to hear. This was something that was doable for Crow and Tybalt made it sound like it was quite the effective method. "So tiring yourself out will get rid of them?" she asked for clarification. "I can't say for sure." Tybalt shook his head. "Personally, I think only time can truly help. Plus I've heard different people have varying results. It's possible it could not help lessen your dreams at all." The female knight's excitement died a bit. While she was still more than happy to have some sort of answer for him, it was a bit disappointing to learn it wasn't exactly foolproof. [i]Still.. It's something.[/i] she reminded herself. Focusing back on Tybalt, she poked absently at her food. "Is there anything else you've found that could help it work?" "Personally, not really." Tybalt shrugged before pausing to take a bite of his food. He chewed thoughtfully and then swallowed before adding, "but I've heard other options from different knights. Some like to spend time clearing their minds before bed, send a prayer to the gods and whatnot... Too many turn to Eldon or drinking though I'm afraid so my answers don't go further then that." "I see.." Penelope mused with a nod. "I hope something works for me then." "As do I." Tybalt grunted. He eyed the knight and then let out a long sigh. "If you still have them, there are a few ways to lessen the initial panic from waking up." The knight looked up from her food with interest at his words. There was a way to deal with the panic too? While she was hoping Crow would be able to get rid of the dreams completely, having a back up plan to deal with the extreme state of panic was in during the morning. Penelope bit back a grin and instead met Tybalt's gaze with eagerness. "What are the ways?" "Breathing mainly." Tybalt replied. "Taking in a deep breath through the nose, holding it for a few seconds and then letting it out through the mouth. There's probably other ones but that's the one I know." Penelope nodded her head. "Is there anything else I should know about that might help?" she asked. The knight was already feeling pleased with the information she had gotten from Tybalt but she wanted to make sure she wasn't missing anything. She wanted to get as much as she could in order to help the viceroy. "I don't think so." Tybalt shook his head. "But if you ever need to discuss other options, feel free to speak with me if these methods don't work. I prefer my guards to not use Eldon's medicines nor alcohol but if it's your last option, then I won't discourage you from using it." "Thank you." Penelope said appreciatively. She finished off her meal and then slowly moved to take her leave however she paused and glanced back over at Tybalt. "By the way... Do you think it'd be possible for me to take more night shifts instead of the midday shifts you assigned me this week?" As he gave her a skeptical look, she held up her hands defensively. "Not to avoid sleep but just because they tend to be easier for me." After a moment of silence, the captain conceded with a grumble. "I'll see." Penelope dipped her head. "Thank you, sir. I'll leave you to enjoy your meal then." she said before turning to head out of the Great Hall. Despite her weariness, there was a small bounce to her step after getting the answers she needed for Crow. On her way out, she glanced around for the viceroy, wondering if he was still eating his supper or if he had already headed to his room. Regardless, she would be stationed nearby so she figured it'd be easy for her to speak with him before the night's end so she focused her gaze back ahead.