[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/50VBWNfh/63507c917b644ae085a53d695ad43269.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2fa3b68ea7ccb5e241580009fa3f8dfe/tumblr_nrjjdcXvK71uq1wtvo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=8519A2]Arc I - Terreille in Trouble[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=SlateBlue]Faeril Ashkevron[/color] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/57a4/i/2017/010/a/2/yennefer_of_vengerberg_by_nikivaszi-da82bef.jpg[/img] [color=SlateBlue]Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi[/color][/h3] [color=SlateBlue]Interacting with[/color] [@Slim Shady] [@eclecticwitch] [@SilverPaw] [/center] [hr] Faeril's blue eyes weres filled with annoyance as she gazed at the child-Queen while the little girl tried to clean up the spilled wine. Though she most likely had seen her majority, the maturity of it seemed to not have caught up with her. While she was pleased, she had perhaps found a worthwhile Queen, if a bit foolish, Faeril was more so pleased by the fact Xandar was accepting her thus far and not ripping Fatima's head from her shoulders. The Warlord Prince had quite the reputation when it involved the ruling caste. Though it gave her no end of amusement to see his befuddlement at how this Queen was in her nature. He would learn in time, and the bit of iron in the young Fatima would keep the Court in check. Though Faeril figured if that didn't do it a bit of bullying from herself would. [color=SlateBlue]"Faeril Ashkevron."[/color] She answered in a clipped voice as Randalvar entered through the back door with several large bags and a hefty crate. Normally she would not have blinked at [b]Vanishing[/b] the items away into the sort of cupboard the Blood held within their power, but with the Blood Opal she was far more careful. It always amused her at how some Landens believed the Jewel was the power. It some case that was so, but the Jewel was a focus point and storage area for the excess power the Blood's body's created. A witch could have her Jewel broken, but she still would have access to her Craft. The cost, however, was a steep one. Sanity. Madness was a road the Blood called the Twisted Kingdom and she had walked many of it's paths. Cursing herself for overstretching herself between weaving needless webs into the night to lure her hope to her, and the whole business with her many guests. Looking over at Jean and Jassen, Faeril spoke firmly and tried her best to keep bais out of it for the man attacking her. [color=SlateBlue]"And while I welcome Jean to join us,"[/color] Like the man could refuse! [color=SlateBlue]"I cannot nor will I extend that invitation to Jassen. He is not a member of your Court."[/color] Not to mention he had to tried to kill her. "A little harsh, eh?" Randalvar grunted as he set the crate and two sacks on the counter. Pouring a shot of whiskey, he slid it over to Xandar to cover up the slight jerk of his head at the other man that the supplies were his for the taking. He knew the Blood Opal when he saw it. [color=SlateBlue]"Which means, Lady, he has a choice of death or having his mind wiped of these events."[/color] It was harsh, but Faeril had not lived this long without drawing that line for numerous others. There was quite the 'Like Hell!' from the old barkeep as the Healer-Black Widow shot him a warning look that it would be wise for him to keep his mouth shut. Which Randalvar didn't seem like taking. "You are wearing the Blood Opal, Fae. Don't think I don't see it. Don't [i]feel[/i] it. Why would you be wearing that and not the Red?" [color=8519A2]Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille[/color] [@13org] [@Zoey White] [color=Tan]"Hell's fire, Mother Night and May the Darkness be merciful."[/color] Swore Denvar as he called in his war blade. [color=Tan]"Why tell them the Red Jeweled Healer that scares the pants off [i]us[/i] is gone?"[/color] He complained as the sound of running reached them and Gen appeared in the archway gasping and panting for breath. [color=DarkKhaki]"Because that would make them break the door down faster?"[/color] Bellinor offered tentatively as there was laughter from the other side. Gripping a fire poker, he [b]Vanished[/b] the books once more. [color=DarkKhaki]"I don't see us holding them off."[/color] He warned in a growl to the Green Jeweled brother. Gen nodded as Mikhail formed his wires, though the others didn't know that exactly. They did know the Dea Al Mon was doing something. Tapping Mikhail on the shoulder Gen jerked his head towards the front door. [color=FireBrick]"Faeril isn't here even if you were looking for her."[/color] He hated giving up his friend, but there were Eyriens in the town who could and would fight for the Healer. If she went to the town, that is. If not, then sending these fools the town would buy them time. [color=FireBrick]"Where did Faeril go?"[/color] He hissed to the group in an undertone, his golden eyes still bleary from sleep. [color=FireBrick]"Who is with her? You didn't let her go alone!"[/color] There was a dangerous current in Gen's voice as he started to fret.