Sav [hider][b]Name:[/b] Savannah-Lee Sawyer ('Sav') [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Retail Assistant [b]Personality:[/b] Impulsive, jaded and a little judgmental, Sav is largely emotionally driven, though she’d never admit as much. She’s foul-mouthed and often-times rude, but there’s a soft spot there for certain types and she isn’t without total remorse or pity. Reckless and prone to violence, she’ll throw a punch before attempting any kind of dialogue. [b]History:[/b] The daughter of a steel-hearted doctor for a father and weak-willed seamstress for a mother, Savannah Sawyer had few positive influences in her early life. Largely ignored by her parents and shunned by her peers, she spent the majority of her teen years inciting trouble with every manner of authoritative influence; from teachers, to doctors, to cops, she hated them all, and would go out of her way to stir trouble largely for attention and renown. By the age of 15 she had a juvie record almost as long as her arm, but her father managed to persuade his old poker buddy the sheriff that all she needed was a firm hand. She was sent to St Mary’s Boarding School for a summer, though she only made it three days before she ditched out and hitchhiked her way across country. Her parents didn’t miss her, having three young kids to look after, and she only ever returned in brief instances to steal food or money. Falling in and out of rough circles, Sav mingled with some hardcore clicks before life got too rough for her liking. Friends she had made o’d on a bad batch of drugs and she came close to being assaulted more times than she could count. She learned to fend for herself the hard way, but it wasn’t without considerable damage to her psyche. A turning point came about when a youth worker named Maria found her homeless and starving at 18. She was admitted to a home for wayward youths and eventually learned respect and repentance, and for the first time she was shown trust and kindness in return. Eventually she made it into the workforce – retail – and though it was a boring slog it was better than living on the street. She met a boy more recently and fell into a romance – not exactly love – and the two backpacked for a time, finding odd jobs to pay their way. They returned to the new hometown they shared and were making plans for more travel when word came that his uncle had followed ‘the Delville urge’, and needed to be found before word spread too far beyond the control of his affluent family. His parents were unwilling to follow due to ‘other responsibilities’, and knowing they were only a few towns away her beau convinced her that the mystery alone was worth the chase. They travelled to Delville Heights the next week. They had stayed only a few days before he fled the town without warning, leaving her alone at the Floodwater Hotel. [b]Skills:[/b] Nerves of steel – even the most heinous sight will only rattle her for a moment; can take a decent beating; a solid pick-pocket and thief, good at sneaking & breaking and entering; can throw a mean punch. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Hot-headed and easily aggravated and/or bullied into acts of violence; claustrophobic; can’t swim – even doggy-paddle is impossible; becomes anxious and prone to acting out when alone or stressed. [/hider] I had heaps of fun writing her, I hope she's okay!