McKenna's first instinct was to run towards where she heard the scream, and so, she acted fast. With her gun in hand, the young woman moved her feet. Setting herself into a sprint, she managed to catch up to the group, just in time to see a Xeno at their feet, that was struggling to get up, and flee. She just watched it, as if trying to study it with her eyes alone, until images started to flash within her mind; images from the past; from where she first saw this creature, to the point where she saw a pack of them, while she was making her escape from her family home, when the parasitic invasion first began: With her shotgun in hand, she was running from the house, with a pack of three Xenos, behind her. She was sixteen-seventeen years-old, that night; the same night when the military managed to get a hold of her, and the same night when she shot the very-same creature for the first time. She was lucky to not have gotten sprayed with its blood, considering that it was a mid-range shot. Looking down at the struggling extraterrestrial, at this very moment, McKenna brought her pistol up, and took several shots at its head, after making sure that she and her teammates were at a safe distance. She shot this thing repeatedly, with disgust and anger in her eyes, and not that much of an exterior emotion.